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Bugera V55HD Bias set incorrect from factory???

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:04 pm
by Rayjaysonic
Been reading up on quite a lot of forums about amp bias for the V55HD as I have just swapped my valves out for JJ's. Seems a lot of people are of the opinion that the Bias is incorrectly set by the factory. The general opinion is that you should be aiming for 43.7 mA with a set of 6L6GC tubes. Bugera seem to setting them at about 37 mA but from what I have been reading, this doesn't seem to be a consistent standard from factory. Just thought I would mention this as a few of us on Shortscale have this amp.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:24 am
by Sloan
I never expect any amp to be biased correctly from the factory. Each amp will probably be different. It depends on the plate voltage and shit, so i'm guessing not every one is exactly the same.

Every guitarist that uses tube amps should get a Weber Bias-Rite or similar tool to easily adjust the bias of their amplifiers.