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recovering an amp cab

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:21 am
by Progrockabuse
right, i'm gonna recover my torres cab i got from james. whilst the cab looks ok as is, i'd like to refinish it in orange tolex to match my amp.

Is this difficult to do? Expensive? Would i be better of having someone do it for me? And where in the uk does amp recovering?

And why do i keep asking questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:25 pm
by stewart
It's a straightforward shape so you could do it yourself, i imagine a staple gun and some glue would be required. Peel off the existing covering and use that as a template, trace it onto your new material, cut out the shape and staple it on, then glue down the flaps(!)

There'll be tutorials on youtube or elsewhere, i'd guess.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:09 am
by 24HRS2MDNT ... ht=#822502

I recovered a night train cab. Pics mid way down this thread.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:49 am
by Haze
Make sure you stretch your material WELL. My uncle runs an automotive trim restoration shop and he helped me do my bassman's grill cloth. Plenty of good quality glue, try and hide any staples. If at all possible, don't use staples. They only hold the material in two small places, where as glue adheres to the entire are in which it is applied. As the material expands/contracts over time it will tear around the staples and it won't look too pretty.
Stretching the material and a well application of glue, two key points imo

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:49 am
by Billy3000
Link 1

Link 2

I plan on using these two sites for advice when I get around to tolexing my amp. Make sure you get a type of glue that is meant for applications like this, and that you roll it on smooth so that it doesn't get a bubbling effect like you see with people that get the crappy store-bought window tint on their cars. From what I understand the hardest part is getting the corners right but that second link that I posted makes it look like if you follow those directions it should be pretty easy and seam-less.