I'm probably looking to spend around the £150 mark but can go a bit higher if it's something that's really worth it.
Given that these are just going to be bedroom recordings with maybe one or two mic/line inputs I don't really need anything more than that.
Although if anyone can recommend me something in my price range with more inputs then that's a bonus.
I've been looking at the following and read some pretty varying reviews - M-Audio Fast Track/Pro, Tascam US-144 mkii, Focusrite Saffire 6, Lexicon Omega, Mbox...
Ideally I'd like an Mbox 1(the first design they brought out I think) but I always tend to get outbid by someone on Ebay! My other choice was the Tascam as it seems fairly straightforward and doesn't come with all the additional software packages that I don't really need anyway. I've read that the drivers are a pain to get working though...
It's worth mentioning that I use Logic Pro on a MacBook so I'm already half way there in terms of a setup. I'm just after a half decent Mic and interface.
Any help, as always, is appreciated!
Help a noob out!