I need to replace the wire which connects the tone pot to the volume pot on my Jazzmaster as at the moment my tone pot isn't working. I went to Maplin (as I was in Wimbledon and there was one conviniently there) and the guy told me to buy what he called 'bell wire', is this likely to be suitable for the job?
I looked it up and I imagine that it should work fine. I got kinda stuck wiring my guitar up so I ended up having to use some automotive wire (which is stranded) to extend some of the leads and my guitar still works but I don't know if there's any negative effects from this.
Looks to me like Bell wire is what we call speaker wire.
What you need is 22 or 24 AWG multi stranded wire. That's the ideal wire. You can use any type of multi strand wire really, but I've never soldered "bell wire" before so I dont know how it or it's inulation will behave.
Thanks for the help chaps. On further inspection the existing wire was fine, it just wasn't soldered very well/had come loose. A re-solder sorted it out and it now seems to be working fine.