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NGD x2

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:44 am
by Nick
Well I've been looking for a bass was either wait for Parkway to get a rickenbacker in stock and trade/sell a shitload of stuff I'm not exactly using plus some cash, OR try to find a cheap bass that is both visually and tonally pleasing to hold me over til I can realistically afford a ric. After much consideration, I went to Guitar Center and used my financing powers to score one of these at a 10% off sale. They didn't have any hardshell cases that fit a P bass just right so they dug in the back and found this beat up Ibanez plastic molded case that they gave me for free. I was able to successfully mod it (though it's not pretty) to fit the bass perfectly.


Very pleased with the purchase so far...highly recommend this bass. My only complaint so far is that the fretboard is so heavily stained dark it doesn't look natural. I've heard the tuners aren't the best, but we'll see, I don't play slap or anything too hard. I plan on buying a 3 ply white pickguard and aging it with coffee, and adding chrome bridge and pickup covers. Should look like this when I'm done with it:


Oh so then when Lauren comes home she tells me there's a surprise for me in the trunk. Apparently she picked this up for $7 at Goodwill


A few keys stuck but I was able to fix it by bending the bells away from the keys. The first octave is perfectly in tune, the second, not so much. I am intent on fixing this thing so I can get my Dresden Dolls on :oops: .

Yep 8)

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:51 am
by Sloan

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:19 am
by Mo Law-ka
I have a set of the covers if you're interested

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:37 am
by damienblair17
That's a classic vibe yeah? They look really good. Great score man.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:35 am
by Nick
damienblair17 wrote:That's a classic vibe yeah? They look really good. Great score man.
Yeah, honestly I can't recommend these enough. This is the first time I've bought a brand new guitar and I felt like I got way more than what I paid for. The neck is SOLID, and doesn't bend and buzz out notes if you pull back on it. The pickup is nice, quiet, deep and clear. If I had twice as much to spend on a bass, I don't think I could have done any better.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:41 am
by Nick
Mo Rawka wrote:I have a set of the covers if you're interested

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:26 am
by Billy3000
The classic vibes really are an amazing deal for their price point! I've loved every single one that I've played!

Re: NGD x2

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:14 am
by Asher
Nick wrote:Oh so then when Lauren comes home she tells me there's a surprise for me in the trunk.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:20 am
by laterallateral
Oooh! This is making me want a 60's CV Pbass EREEEEAAAL BAD...

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:52 am
by stewart
Nick wrote:If I had twice as much to spend on a bass, I don't think I could have done any better.
those were my feelings when i bought mine. they're great basses for the money.

Re: NGD x2

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:39 pm
by Nick
Asher wrote:
Nick wrote:Oh so then when Lauren comes home she tells me there's a surprise for me in the trunk.


Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:57 am
by ultratwin
Goodness, Nick...That is a neato addition to the collection, really happy for your purchase. It's definitely a positive thing to see Fender taking steps to bring some more elusive "customesque" colors to the already quality CV Squire line