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PA question

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:10 am
by Nick
OK so my current band, our jamspace is in his parent's basement and we use his dad's Peavey PA....looks like this

It's 150w watts...barely loud enough to hear over drums....we've used this thing for probably the past 10 years, since we've been in bands together on and off. Anyways, the speakers do not have a rating on them, and I can't find info on this set anywhere.

Last week when setting up, we flicked on the power to the PA, and all we hear is a loud whirring noise. The lights show up on the volume controls when you speak into a mic, so I'm guessing the power section is shot. The whirring goes up slightly in pitch when you talk into the mic...nothing comes out the speakers.

Now before I run out and spend $300-$400 on a cheap practice PA kit with speakers from musiciansfriend or something, I came across a used behringer that looked quite nice for around $220 at a local shop. I think it was a model that normally sells for $400+ on its own, and was a little over 200 watts. Should I assume the speakers that go to that peavey POS are only 75watts and if so, would it be a risk to use them with a slightly more powerful mixer? Or are they just going to distort noticeably after a certain volume level. If it was my own equipment I would just chance it but I don't want to be responsible for damaging someone else's gear, (especially since he's been nice enough to let us make noise in his basement once a week for the past 10 years more or less.)

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:55 am
by laterallateral
is the Behringer 200W total or 200W per channel?
It's really hard to say what is safe for sure, without knowing what the impedance of the speakers are...

If the amp is 200W total, you should be okay to at least test the speakers out at regular levels. if nothing crazy happens, you should be OK as long as you resist the urge to blast it. You say that the system was already insufficient to your needs so it might take some self control to not push it to volumes that might be harmful to the speakers if sustained but so long as you keep it conservative, the speakers should be fine. I would start looking for better suited monitors immediately, though. Replacing them looks to be inevitable.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:52 am
by Sloan
if you underpower speakers you will turn up the mixer/channels causing clipping which no speaker can reproduce for long without damage. However if you slam the shit out of a speaker with way more power than it can handle, like with too much bass or a loud transient (ie snare hit), you can kill it as well.

easy tips
power speakers with at least twice the watts they are rated. (100w speaker = 200w amp)
never clip ANYTHING (red = dead)
if you start hearing distortion, chill that shit out