So yeah; basically at this stage it looks like I'll be getting a Line 6 UX-2 for Christmas and don't know how to use the Podfarm and have never had a multi effects unit or any Line 6 hardware/software. Any handy hints will be much appreciated! Is it just the one software (you buy it/upgrade/done) or is it like Garage Band and you purchase 'parts' of it and the initial one just comes with the least features? Can you use it in conjunction with a mixer to increase the amount of inputs? Does anyone have any recorded pieces/etc they wouldn't mind either posting or PM'ing me a link? Can you play it like a normal amp in real time having plugged it in to a mixer/PC? Or at least be able to play through headphones/listen to the mix WITHOUT having to record or do you only get sound when you push record?
I'm looking for something digital and that I can use to record guitar and bass and the effects and other addons are a definite added bonus as it seems the only 'stable' application on the market that gets wide spread acclaim is the Podfarm series. I've tried TH1 and various other 'just application' type stuff and found it stressful on my CPU after a few boxes/processors were added.
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I really need to tie this setup up and this seems to be the last stages of it after giving up on another guitar (just went from a 3-way to a 5-way switch on the Tele and it's like a new guitar) and fixed up my old Teisco as well but aside from that it's all tying together very nicely and this would count as the 'digital' side to my rig. My analog being covered with effects boxes to which I'm finally 100% happy with. If I get anything new, it'll be for distinct flavours/some fun/under $100 dealios (thinking of picking up some MXR-sized fuzz boxes like the Trumpet Fuzz, Sodameiser, Blue Box and the like to swap out with my current Sunface). But aside from that the rest of my effects are pretty much set in stone and have been since I started taking playing seriously/wanting to record this 'solo' EP. Guitars are set. I just picked up the Matamp. I also have a 4-channel mixer, Behringer U-control (for "analog" recording lulz) and decent monitors. S an interface and mics are all that remain (I can use my U-control but I have no mic). So I was thinking maybe I can grab the Podfarm and even use the DI out from my amp if that would work? -shrug- Either way I'm super close to getting this rig finished once and for all to start recording and getting some ideas out there/doing some conjoint recording with folks online. I have the bug and it's BIG as previously stated! I guess all my songs sound like a mash up of Iron and Wine and Smashing Pumpkins influenced stuff if that's any indication of what I expect from the Line6.
I have had POD Farm & a UX2 for over a year now, I use it to jam & work out ideas which I then record on Ableton & before taking to my band to develop.
I'm pretty happy with it, I use it as an amp sim mainly & run my outboard pedals. I found their take on various pedals to be pretty much spot on, I couldn't tell the difference between my Rat & the Line 6 one.
Yes you can upgrade it but to be honest there is enough to keep you busy. I'm not going to bother upgrading.
All in all good value for money & user friendly, set up was painless.
Johno wrote:I have had POD Farm & a UX2 for over a year now, I use it to jam & work out ideas which I then record on Ableton & before taking to my band to develop.
I'm pretty happy with it, I use it as an amp sim mainly & run my outboard pedals. I found their take on various pedals to be pretty much spot on, I couldn't tell the difference between my Rat & the Line 6 one.
Yes you can upgrade it but to be honest there is enough to keep you busy. I'm not going to bother upgrading.
All in all good value for money & user friendly, set up was painless.
Chief, you win the internet. This was a cross-post over 3 or 4 forums (really needed the answer so I can give the nod-of-approval as a Christmas gift) and your answer was by in large the most informative, on the spot and relevant one. For that I thank you. Some other bloke also addressed the ability to use it as a headphone-only amp. That's basically sold the device in a few short sentences as I have alternate means of recording (Behringer U-Control/Mixer) if I don't want to go through the Line 6 and record it straight in to Ableton or Garageband (the two I'm most familiar with).