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Tubes for an HT-5

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:14 am
by Blue Cool
I'm on the stock tubes and I've had the amp about 6 months, so I figured with Christmas being hours away, I might get a little bit of cash. With it, I'm gonna buy some tubes for my HT-5. I want to pull fender tones out of it. It takes an ECC83/12AX7 and a 12BH7. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:23 am
by othomas2
I'm not sure that's possible... Fender and Blackstar and quite far apart in terms of tonality.

You can prob drop some tubes in there that'll clean it up a bit more, but I don't feel it will be drastic enough for your requirements.

Just my thoughts. I'm sure others will chime in with a more definitive answer.

EDIT: Sell and buy Blues Jr ?


Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 5:17 pm
by Thom
I used to have an HT-5, and nothing is going to make it sound like a Fender. Is a great little amp but it's strength is in the gain sounds not crystal cleans. If you're looking for a significant change then I would look at another amp rather than valves.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:26 am
by Gabriel
Give a 12AT7 a go in V1 and maybe a bright sounding 12AX7 for the other pre-amp valves. I don't know much about that power-amp valve though.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:42 pm
by Blue Cool
Forgot I posted this. :oops:

I'm toying with idea of selling or trading the amp. I'm really dinging the Hot Rod Deluxe, but I know I won't have that much after selling the HT-5. I was going to buy a Duo Sonic, but bought other stuff instead, so it'll have to wait. A Blues Jr does pique my interest though. I'll do some digging and see what I can find. Thanks guys.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:31 pm
by Blue Cool
I can get a used Blues Junior II for $275 at my preferred shop, would it be worth it? I'm gonna go into tomorrow and check it out.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:56 pm
by kypdurron
Sounds like a killer deal to me, but I'm used to european prices. I sold mine for 350 €.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:09 am
by Blue Cool
I think I'm going to trade my HT-5 and cab in to get the Blues Junior. I'll have a little bit of store credit, so I was thinking of grabbing a DS-1 or SD-1 and another cable to throw in front of it. Yay or nay?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:39 pm
by Gabriel
Nay to a DS1, you'd just be wasting your money. Try and pickup a secondhand Danelectro Cool Cat Drive, version 1.

Theyre cheap and pretty awesome.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:20 pm
by johnnyseven
I used to have a Blues Jr and really liked it, great cleans and surprisingly loud for a small amp.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:14 pm
by Blue Cool
mrperson wrote:Nay to a DS1, you'd just be wasting your money. Try and pickup a secondhand Danelectro Cool Cat Drive, version 1.

Theyre cheap and pretty awesome.
I'll look around when I do the trade.