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Sunn mustang

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:41 pm
by ploppy
My sister got me this "Sunn mustang by fender" strat for xmas, which apart from the odd ding is in really nice condition and plays really well.
I can vaguely remember Sunn strats in late '80's but can't seem to find much info on the tinterweb.
Strangely the serial number on the neck plate NC436573 indicates that it's a squier bullet strat made in the corona factory usa but it's also stamped made in china.
Has anyone here got one or shed any light on the Sunn guitars?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:50 pm
by hotrodperlmutter

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:17 pm
by westtexasred
There was one posted on The Telecaster forum a few years ago


Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:34 pm
by Fran
A lot of them had plywood bodies but dont let that put you off. Like Marlin, a lot of players cut their teeth on these and they are remembered fondly as a good quality affordable guitar.
I cant remember who it is now but a well known Metal band still use Sunn guitars.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:34 pm
by benecol
<placeholder while I try to think of a nice way to phrase "They're shit guitars that many of my friends suffered at the hands of in the 80's">

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:37 pm
by Fran
Tim was obviously fortunate enough to have learnt on a 59 Gibson Les Paul. Whilst the rest of us struggled with Marlin, Westone and Sunn :lol:

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:40 pm
by benecol
I learned on a Marlin Sidewinder which, whilst shite, was loads better than my mate Ben's Sunn Mustang.