A recommended Fender vendor...

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A recommended Fender vendor...

Post by avj »

I have been looking into replacement pickups for my Classic Player Jaguar, as I've found the stock guys to be too hot for my liking. To me, it just felt like they were overdriving the shit out of everything no matter what I did, so I decided to look into something more vintage-spec/lower-output. I scoured the web for clips of the ones I considered for replacement: Fender AVRI, Seymour Duncan SJAG-1 Vintage for Jaguar, and SD Antiquity I and II. The Curtis Novaks and the Jason Lollars are just a bit outside of what I'm willing to spend on pickups, but I appreciate their product and target market.

One thing I discovered was that I couldn't even find the Fenders or Duncans at my local vendors and the usual online mega-corp outlets; every place I checked seemed to be out of stock. I've tried ordering things through my closest mom and pop authorized Fender dealer in the past, but they took a very long time and on one occasion never actually called me when the parts arrived. After the usual lengthy research, I opted to buy the Fender AVRI pickups from darrenriley.com. They and all the Duncans were in stock, but I chose the AVRIs because they were cheap and most likely the best choice for me. If not, my next stop is the Antiquity I set.

Darren also threw in four new mounting screws for free, which was a nice touch. I did, however, have a laugh at the awful packaging decision made by Fender on them. One screw per bag? It seems the logical thing would be to at least sell them in pairs.


So I hope this doesn't come across as spammy, but I just wanted to pass along a recommendation for Darren Riley. Anyone looking for guitar and amp parts should check him out, as I had a great experience. Great service, fast shipping (worldwide!), and great prices were had. It was nice to not have to roll the dice on an eBay transaction.
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Post by johnnyseven »

I've bought 2 sets of SD Antiquity II's from Darren Riley in the past and I also can recommend him. I think I may also have bought my Antiquity humbuckers from him too and I was about to order some JM Antiquity I's but have decided to get some custom made instead.