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Cool strat at my friends store.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:24 am
by westtexasred
My friends store just got this a cool strat on consignment. It is a an american strat made in 2001. I asked what the color was but they didn't know. It's a pale blue but not Daphne Blue or Sonic Blue. It has a little green tinge but it's not Surf green,so I just went on the web and found the exact same guitar on GBASE: a 2001 American Strat in "Sky Blue"

Isn't she lovely?


Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:55 am
by JJLipton
Awesome color. Is it an american standard? I never cared for the pickups in those...

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:01 am
by Nick
My friend had a Jazz Bass in that color. It's pretty, kind of a shame it didn't stick, it's like a softer sonic blue.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:27 am
by westtexasred
Yes,this is an "American" the successor to the old "American Standard",the pickups are a little different . I never saw another Fender in this color,what year was your friend's bass made Nick ?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:18 pm
by xxhoixx
I want a strat that color. Specifically a Japanese those necks.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:43 am
by cobascis
I would be considerably worried if the sky was that color.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:12 am
by jagsonic
Great color! I love the old american standard strats!