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Cobascis' Band! Exclusive Studio Recording!

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:32 am
by cobascis
I thought I would whore my band out to the estimated 25 people who will view this thread... enjoy!

So, spent about 6 hours in the studio today -- our album (which we've been working on for a year) is nearing completion. Mixing, more mixing, and the mastering are left to do. I we're done recording.

Here is the fruit of our labours, this song has not been mixed, at all, period. But I think it sounds very good considering that, I'm pretty happy with the levels. Just some EQing left.

So here it is: ... m-monday-1

Let me know what you think!

Also, you can here more rough mixes here:

Band Site

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:22 am
by Stuart

I'm put in mind of Magnetic Fields, but not in a sound alike way.

Re: Cobascis' Band! Exclusive Studio Recording!

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:43 am
by hotrodperlmutter
cobascis wrote:labours

Re: Cobascis' Band! Exclusive Studio Recording!

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:13 pm
by cobascis
hotrodperlmutter wrote:
cobascis wrote:labours
I guess I'm taking after your britishisms..

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:28 pm
by stewart
sounds good for an unmixed track, looking forward to hearing the finished article. reminds me a bit of the strokes in places (the vocals perhaps).

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:48 pm
by cobascis
stewart wrote:sounds good for an unmixed track, looking forward to hearing the finished article. reminds me a bit of the strokes in places (the vocals perhaps).
Thanks. Our singer seems to think he's a bit a british when he sings. Also, the large open verse is where a guitar solo will go.