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True Bypass vs Buffering vs straight to amp video

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:14 am
by Haze
taylornutt wrote:
Mike wrote:A true bypass reverb might actually make things worse even if the Marshall does have shoddy bypass.

A good buffer will give you your treble back.

I think half the people that want true bypass don't even understand what it really is or means when it comes to your guitar sound.
Can you expound more on this? What does true bypass do to the guitar sound? I have heard this mentioned before but always assumed true bypass would "remove" the pedal so it would not affect the tone when it was not engaged?

Straight to amp starts at 1:10
Through true bypass pedals start at 1:55
Buffer at beginning of signal starts at 2:53
Straight to amp 2 starts at 3:25


I was going to do a Boss pedal but it sounded about the same as the Nova Delay's Buffer if a little less treble.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:40 am
by othomas2
You can really hear the difference !! The buffered bypass sounds as good as the guitar going directly in.

Without changing subject, you guys may also like this video too. I found it useful also.


Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:50 am
by Haze
They did a really good job too, the turdscreamer op amp was a good test too although they made it seem like it made no difference while it clearly (to my ears) does.