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Want: squishy, obvious compressor sound

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:32 pm
by timhulio
I know the answer isn't 'dynacomp' and a quick youtube reveals it's not Mr Squishy or an Orange Squeezer clone.

Maybe the answer isn't a compressor at all, rather some other studio trickery. However, I really like Prince's tele sound on Dirty Mind, specifically these tracks:

When you were mine



Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:27 pm
by ultratwin
My guess is that Hohner Tele (mid position) squashed hard through a UREI 1176, which I wouldn't doubt was used at a lot of Prince's studio recordings. The 1176 is famous for compressing hard but giving a nice and clean bright edge to the signal without that annoyingly plinky coloring one might get from a typical floor stomper. It's absolutely AMAZING (there now, I used the word) on vocals of course.

Read page 16 of this PDF file for some details about the Bomb factory BF76 and some extreme settings, which might get you really close to that sound. It's all conjecture, but I've been around enough 1176s at my friend's studio over here to kinda know its flavor. I think.



Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:38 pm
by timhulio
Thanks Andi, that's some great info. You mean Prince has access to some rare and expensive gear I can't get my hands on? Sheesh!
It seems the UREI 1176 is something of a holy grail of compressor/limiters. There's a few DIY projects online actually. Just mulling over whether I need a project that huge in my life right now. Actually the parts count isn't that huge, but some are difficult to source:

Software version isn't an option for me unfortunately, but I'm not above using a digital model in pedal form.

Someone on the Talkbass forum posted this for lols:

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:17 pm
by timhulio

MXR bass compressor, new for NAMM 2011. Apparently a 1176 clone! Amazing. Needs proper demo.

Wow it's gorgeous!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:55 pm
by ultratwin
Looks like Dunlop has finally got my attention.

Vewy interesting indeed, would love to give that thing a reasonable listen!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:03 pm
by George
That looks the tits. I might sell my little Guyatone ST2 for one of them. Expensive though I bet.