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what's the basic gist of acoustic modeler pedals?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:59 pm
by gaybear
other than obviously emulating an acoustic sound.
is it compression and tone or something?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:09 pm
by mickie08
tone suck....

It is suppossed to emulate the fuller and warmer sound of an acoustic and usually allows for you to dial in some emulations of different style acoustics. I have tried the boss and another one I forget.... They kind of suck (although they tend to work much better with mellow single coil guitars than humbucker or HO singles). It is OK in a larger band mix I guess if you only want an acoustic sound for 1 part or something, but it really just does not do it for anything that is not going to be mixed into alot of other noise. Def not very good if you want to say run it into a computer to emulate an acoustic song or something.

I will say that they tend to be very guitar specific. Guitars with really good/warm resonance and med to low output pups seems to work better but it is still a pretty far cry from real.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:14 pm
by gaybear
cool info mickie. if i ever get one, it would be for live performance only. i'd record with a regular acoustic. is there any compression to it? cause it seems to me, that one of the differences in electric and acoustic guitars, is the "floppiness" of electrics, if that makes any sense.
again, if i were to use one, it would be in a set with 8 rock songs, and maybe 2 acoustic (countryish) songs, ratio wise.
my schecter has coil tapping, so it would prolly sound best split?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:23 pm
by Doog
I guess very specific EQ filters and compression are at the heart of it, the new Boss pedal is COSM digital modelling:


There's samples using different guitars/pickups if you wanna hear the differences.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:46 pm
by gaybear
Doog wrote:I guess very specific EQ filters and compression are at the heart of it, the new Boss pedal is COSM digital modelling:


There's samples using different guitars/pickups if you wanna hear the differences.

so fitting that they play Skid Row, in that hair bands really knew how to make acoustics sound like a fly on satan's shit, singing the star spangled banner through a vocoder.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:22 pm
by Ankhanu
gaybear wrote:... hair bands really knew how to make acoustics sound like a fly on satan's shit, singing the star spangled banner through a vocoder.
Goddamn that's good.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:25 pm
by Sloan
They basically suck at sounding like an acoustic guitar, but offer an interesting effect.