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Should I Buy This Mustang?? Questions About the Mods.....

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:16 am
by jkmerryman21
I have a found a Mustang that I am interested in. It is a 2006 '65 Reissue in Daphne Blue. The guitar is in excellent shape and he is wanting $600. The guitar has been recently set up by one of the most reputable guitar shops in Nashville.


Bone Nut: What good does a bone nut do?

Seymour Duncan Humbucker Jr.: The original pickup comes with it as well, but I was wondering how this pickup sounds. I would like some opinions on it if anyone has any experience with it.

The price seems fair to me....should I go for it?

Re: Should I Buy This Mustang?? Questions About the Mods....

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:42 am
by paul_
jkmerryman21 wrote:Bone Nut: What good does a bone nut do?
None extra. Cyclovac, a type of composite plastic that Fender currently use instead of bone, will sound/feel exactly the same. The only way a nut can really change the feel of a guitar is if it's improperly cut (then the guitar will magically start to suck). If some guy has put a good bone nut on it, it's sort of closer to vintage TECHNICALLY but not going to suddenly feel/sound more vintage than any other Fender RI as a result. I put bone nuts on all my project Fenders and have replaced a couple broken/over-filed cyclovac/corian nuts with bone... no real big difference.
Seymour Duncan Humbucker Jr.: The original pickup comes with it as well, but I was wondering how this pickup sounds. I would like some opinions on it if anyone has any experience with it.
Provided it's a JB Jr, it'll sound pretty coo. They're more suited towards gainy sounds, though they sound alright clean IMO, if your amp is good (many disagree but my Jaguar does not sound bad clean). They work better with a higher value pot, I'll bet the Stang still has 250k. You lose signature Fender character/sparkle with a pickup like that in there, but it doesn't turn it into a Gibson or anything. I have one in the bridge position of my CIJ '62 Jaguar and it still always sounded pretty Jag-like, except for when I had a tune-o-matic on there. Kurt Cobain's Japanese Mustangs were routed out for full-sized JB humbuckers, which is probably a big reason a lot of people use JB Jrs in Stangs and Jags when they want a more rockin' sound... they're a very popular pickup though, and combined with a "Jazz" model in the neck are part of SD's most popular/frequent bucker set, one Duncan himself calls his favourite combo.
The price seems fair to me....should I go for it?
If the guitar is in great shape, well set-up right now, and comes with the original pickup as well as the Duncan, that is a fairly good deal. They're $900-$1000 in shops, and the Duncan around $60-$80... it's also refreshing to hear of someone adding things like bone nuts and aftermarket pickups to guitars and not charging proportionately more than the new price like they've done you a bunch of favours. It's up to you and how you feel about owning the guitar at this point.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:47 am
by othomas2
I had the JB Jr in the bridge of my Jag but I felt it was far too mid heavy for my liking, but that certainly shouldn't put you off buying it. I moved to a cool rails, a lot nicer in my opinion. Have a listen to the audio sample on the website:

It'll be the 'jb jr for strat'. I think they portray the character of the p/up quite well.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:12 am
by honeyiscool
$600 is not a particularly good price. Consider the fact that in 2006, it was $699 new, so this person's barely losing money on it. Also, installing a humbucker is not an "upgrade" the way that installing Kinman pickups would be, it's more of a sideways modification. A bone nut is hardly an upgrade either. Hell, for another $200 you might be able to find a vintage Musicmaster or Duosonic.

So definitely haggle. I bought a '65 RI in Daphne Blue from Ebay last Christmas for $445. Shop around and I'm sure you'll find a good '65 RI for $500 or less within a few months. Hell, two years back I sold a Mustang with Kinmans for less than $600.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:14 am
by kypdurron
agree with nearly all said. have no idea of current US prices, but here we recognize a noticeable increase of used prices for japanese Fender guitars. I bought my Mustang in 2008 for 450 € used, sold it for 500 a year ago and saw them go for around 600 several times now. So, just try and check some ebay listings of recently sold similar guitars, and you get a good idea how much you can talk that guy down.

@honeyiscool: If I was a seller or potential buyer I wouldn't care what the guitar did cost in 2006. After all the TO is not considering to build a time machine and to purchase a guitar in 2006, so he has to deal with current prices, both new and used.

I agree that a working nut is no upgrade. A humbucker may be an upgrade if you want one. If not, it's also no upgrade.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:58 pm
by jkmerryman21
Thanks for the responses.

I do wish the guitar was a little cheaper. He is claiming that he bought it for around a $1000 in 2007. Were they that much then or were they still around $699?

The guitar is my first choice in color and I'm kind of indifferent on the pickup. I do like the fact that it has been set up by a really good shop and it is in mint condition.

I told him I would think about it this week and let him know by Friday. In the mean time I am going to do some shopping around. I would love to spend around $500 on either a Mustang or Jaguar (the only two I am interested in).

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:06 pm
by honeyiscool
I bought a new Mustang in 2008 for $699, and that was the going price (MSRP was $999), so he's probably inflating the amount.

A vintage-style Jag for $500 will probably prove impossible.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:16 pm
by serfx
for $600 i'd probably snake it if its the colour i wanted, came with the OG pickup, hadn't been routed for a humbucker (aka pup was replaced with a JB), and the dude included a hardshell case.

mind i picked up my 65 for that.. my 71 was about 800.. and the others i've gotten really good bro deals on (though i did trade a telecaster elite for the brostang, but i think we both made off like bandits in that deal..)

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:54 am
by brianjdc
also check guitar centers used section. there are deals to be had. i just grabbed a 65 ri in min shape for $530 from them shipped. there was a 66 refin last week with case for $499. needles it was gone when i called 5 min after the store opened. lol

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:03 am
by brianjdc
also check guitar centers used section. there are deals to be had. i just grabbed a 65 ri in min shape for $530 from them shipped. there was a 66 refin last week with case for $499. needles it was gone when i called 5 min after the store opened. lol

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:05 am
by hotrodperlmutter
brianjdc wrote:also check guitar centers used section. there are deals to be had. i just grabbed a 65 ri in min shape for $530 from them shipped. there was a 66 refin last week with case for $499. needles it was gone when i called 5 min after the store opened. lol

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:56 am
by Viljami
Double post of TROOTH!!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:16 pm
by brianjdc
on a side note, sorry about that spelling i re read my post this morning and wasnt sure what i had said. lol damn cocktails and keyboards

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:39 pm
by cobascis
I got mine for 260$ plus a pedalboard and a LPB-1....


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:19 am
by Doug
FYI...hope this helps...I got my 1965 Mustang (it had been refinished in its original Dakota Red) with OHSC for $895 USD. If the finish had been original, it probably would have cost about $300 more...though Vintage Guitar Magazine is listing some for about $1,500 USD.

So there are deals to be found, especially if you're willing to compromise on some things. I love my Mustang.
