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Opinions on Vox V810/V830 Valvetone pedals

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:31 pm
by Taylor704
I know very little about these pedals, other than they're discontinued and continue to fetch big ebay fees whenever I see them online. Saying that, they have gauged some interest from me, and i'm curious as to what they sound like.

Allegedly Dan Kessler from Interpol uses one and i've always been a big fan of his tone but I know that's not much to go on (something that I learnt the hard way)

What do people think of the pedals? Waste of time or a worthy potential investment?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:03 am
by othomas2
I had the Vox V830 but sold it a few years ago.

It was a bit thin and the tone control is useless really. Designed perhaps to be more of a boost, that could well be more of a fine tune tone control I guess.

Nice earthy valve-like sound... but a little unresponsive and undynamic.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:48 pm
by Dingus
From what I remember about a dissection of the V810, it's basically a Tubescreamer.

Also I believe Kessler used to use a Tech 21 Comptortion, if I'm remembering that correctly.