Joined up with some friends a few months ago, been lots of fun playing different music and writing out of my box/comfort zone. Its the first time I've worked with a female singer too, you'd be surprised how different it can be when you realize that you don't listen to any music with a female singer.
We haven't finished any recordings since I've joined up, mainly because we have been writing tons and I have been practicing all of their songs and adding my own bits.
I think all of those tracks will be re-recorded before too long with some changes that I/we have made. Personal favourite is Mine's Not Even Love, plays totally different than the recorded track.
ANYWAYS! This is what I've been doing. I enjoy the music and I hope all of my friends here can too!
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:36 am
by hotrodperlmutter
Lianna's guitar work reminds me of John Cale or dude from Love
this stuff needs to be mixed better, but i think is colored like 90's recordings mixed with 60's music.
interested to hear more, buddy. i'd love to come down to OK and see you and maybe throw it in the singer, too.
only kidding. well, i'm half kidding.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:50 am
by Haze
Yeah the mixing is terrible. I hated joining the band and saying "This shit sounds shite!" but they were really open minded to my sugestions and I've been doing a majority of the mixing. Well, the ears part anyways because I don't know how to run protools. The drummer, Geoff, does the mix work but I've basically been setting the mics and eqing amp and tightening/loosing drums. We also don't have a dedicated bass player per say so all of the bass lines were thrown down in one take. Sierra is learning and can keep up live but I will be playing bass for recording. Plus I just finished a Great Destroyer so that'll be on plenty of bass tracks to!
Also, Lianna is equally hated by us all. Its too much of a power ballad. That'll be reworked completely
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:47 am
by taylornutt
Does the other guitarist play a Jaguar HH as well?
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:30 am
by Haze
indeed, his is stock
I had forgotten how much I hate the Dragster pickups. Those plus strangle switch ALWAYS ON plus a Spider 3 equals a shit sound which hurts my ears after a full practice. I'm teaching him a lot about tone when it comes to a 4-piece mix. He's getting an AC15 soon so that will be interesting, I'll also be building him some pedals, and he is looking into big muff type fuzzes. After a go on my ECT he's got it down between a Swollen Pickle and an ECT, both great fuzzes. I've been wanting an ac30 for a while now so if we both have AC amps AND jags then we'll look like massive tools, but I'm playing the Tele more and more and once my Jazzmaster is finished then that will be put through its paces.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:05 am
by Doog
Some really promising stuff, I dig your singer's voice; bring up the drums (specifically snare and kick) and bass in the mix and you're onto a winner. Maybe set the pan and volumes of the electric guitars equally too? Sounds a bit off-balance at the mo.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:06 pm
by Haze
Thanks doog. I think the drums were done with two mics, and not in a good way either. Pretty sure he just used two overheads panned l/r. Together we have enough mics, pres and know how.
I'm loving her voice but lady haze keeps saying it's flat/one dimensional (I've given up on argueing with that one)
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:20 pm
by Doog
Haze wrote:Thanks doog. I think the drums were done with two mics, and not in a good way either. Pretty sure he just used two overheads panned l/r. Together we have enough mics, pres and know how.
I'm loving her voice but lady haze keeps saying it's flat/one dimensional (I've given up on argueing with that one)
That's just ladies bitching out ladies they find threatening, but trying to be subtle about it; "HER ELBOWS ARE SO WEIRDDDDDDDD".
Just 2 overheads, bummer. You could always do some careful EQing to bring down the prescene of the cymbals and increase the fat low mids of the snare, toms and kick to balance it out a bit, but I gather this is the first recording outing of many.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:44 pm
by Haze
I've definitely picked up on that!
Drums from now on will have two overheads and at least a snare and kick mic. I'll get nerdy on it when recording time comes again. Until then its practice writing writing practice practice!
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:00 pm
by taylornutt
Haze wrote:indeed, his is stock
I had forgotten how much I hate the Dragster pickups. Those plus strangle switch ALWAYS ON plus a Spider 3 equals a shit sound which hurts my ears after a full practice. I'm teaching him a lot about tone when it comes to a 4-piece mix. He's getting an AC15 soon so that will be interesting, I'll also be building him some pedals, and he is looking into big muff type fuzzes. After a go on my ECT he's got it down between a Swollen Pickle and an ECT, both great fuzzes. I've been wanting an ac30 for a while now so if we both have AC amps AND jags then we'll look like massive tools, but I'm playing the Tele more and more and once my Jazzmaster is finished then that will be put through its paces.
I know what you mean about the Dragster pickups. I had them on my Chinese Jagmaster and they didn't sound good. If you want an AC30, I wouldn't care about how people think it looks, just get what sounds good. Get the Red AC30 and you won't have to look the same. The Jazzmaster will be nice in that mix. If you get the AC30 will you still gig the Bassman?
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:36 pm
by Haze
I'll probably go with a white/tan ac30. I'm not that worried about looking a cock. It makes sense to sell the bassman to fund an ac30 but its such a great solid amp. Its clean, its gritty, its crunchy, great amp to have in a studio and I don't think I could sell it.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:12 pm
by taylornutt
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:30 pm
by Haze
Simple, white with greenbacks
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:09 pm
by Gabriel
Haze wrote:Simple, white with greenbacks
This, I love AC30s I just wish they had more headroom although that could probably be fixed with a 12AT7. They are an absolute nightmare to transport though, hence me looking for a small amp to have when I dont have a ride.
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:36 am
by Haze
the other guitarist wants to dip out on us. fuckpops... wants to do more punk/bluegrass stuff, which I can understand. Sucks, its been cool getting to know him and he's a good friend. The band can still function as a 3 piece, but 2 guitars sound awesome.
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:54 pm
by Haze
We wrote a song last night, I'm super proud of the guitar parts!
spent 20 minutes on the guitar parts, Sierra knocked out lyrics in 10, formed and recorded
really liking the guitar part, I can't wait to sit a bass line in there.
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:02 pm
by endsjustifymeans
hotrodperlmutter wrote:interested to hear more, buddy. i'd love to come down to OK and see you and maybe throw it in the singer, too.