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Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:34 pm
by Tweedhead
I own a Jaguar Classic Player exactly like this one. ... 4839_l.jpg

I have been going back and forth about whether to put vintage
jazzmaster pickups in it or vintage jaguar ones to keep up the jaguar look.
I don't want humbuckers in this guitar. I prefer single coils.
I prefer a more mellow and bass-y tone so I think I'm leaning towards
Jazzmaster. I always thought the jaguar p-ups were too jangly.
I'm basically set upon those two options because I want to keep a
distinct fender style.
What do you guys think?

Thank you for your opinions/advice/trivia/facts.

(Edit) I apologize if you feel this post appears in an incorrect thread;
I searched the forums beforehand and thought here would be fine.


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:44 pm
by James
Tweedhead wrote:(Edit) I apologize if you feel this post appears in an incorrect thread;
I searched the forums beforehand and thought here would be fine.
It's not related to the squier jaguar so I put it in it's own thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:46 pm
by Tweedhead
Thank you.
I become anxious at the thought of creating a new thread because there is so much
activity on these boards. However, if you think it so, then a new thread it shall be.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:28 pm
by jcyphe ... 90Win.html

I've never tried these but if you want a less jangly pickup maybe you could investigate them. Don't know if it will approach the things you like about the Jazzmaster pickups.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:15 pm
by taylornutt
Jazzmaster pups will require routing the cavity and the pickguard, where the Jaguar pups is a simple pickup swap. Are you basically then wanting to keep the shortscale with the Jazzmaster pickups?

There was a thread about these not long ago and Jaguars with JM pups look pretty hot.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:19 pm
by Earth
Vintage JM pups for a MIM? Bit strange considering the pups are worth more than the guitar itself. Unless you mean new 'vintage' type....

You can always keep/put Jag pups in it and use 250-300kΩ or 500kΩ pots to mellow it out and warm it up quite a bit.

There's one reason and one reason only why jags are bright, the value of the pots!

A good set of pots to warm a jaguar up is 250kΩ Vol / 500kΩ Tone / 47nF (0.047μF cap)...any brand cap will do.

Fitting JM pups to a jag requires a bit of work and unless you have templates and are proficient with a router it will cost you a bit. Its still going to cost you more no matter how you look at it.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:52 pm
by Tweedhead
@jcyphe: Those p90 jag pups look promising though.

@taylornutt: I'm friends with a luthier so the work will be in good hands.
no matter which pickups I choose, the pickguard will need to be replaced
and some cavity work will need to be done.

@Earth: new "vintage" as the pickups don't cost $400.00 or anything.
I was kind of just looking here > < which has been named on this site.
Also, thank you for your pot advice!
That's something I should be more familiar with.

thanks for the replies!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:06 pm
by Earth
Oh, and most of the jangle comes from the vibrato/bridge design, not the pickups. The pot value and pup type only enhances what is already there.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:24 pm
by Tweedhead
@Earth: Well, changing the tremolo would be a shame. I'm thinking Jaguar pups with your pot advice in mind.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:13 am
by Haze
Do you not use the tone knob on your guitar?
300k is a personal favorite preference of mine for normal single coil guitars (strat/tele) I think 500k pots for a jag well help most of your problems. Ticker strings, ticker pick, more resistant pots, different cap maybe if you even use your tone control. Maybe dial back your the highs/presence on your amp. Then look into pickups.
try the simple basic things before you run off and buy pickups

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:42 am
by brianjdc
novak has new jazzmaster pups that fit the jag and require no routing. might be an option. oh and hi everyone. lol

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:48 am
by Tweedhead
@brianjdc: Hello! Welcome to Shortscale!

@Haze: I use the tone knob frequently. And the humbucker/single coil split knobs.
I also have D'Addario .011 - .050 Flat Wounds on it.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:53 am
by Haze
fuck all i missed the part where its one of those new HH jags. Those pickups are a bit shit, played a few at guitar center and couldn't get a nice spanky sound or a mellow sound, just mud...
Low output humbuckers are pretty useful for that sort of thing. I know Novak makes some good humbucker options that catch the offset vibe and he can also do some custom work for you as well.