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Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:53 am
by landon
have a really old worn up torn up strat body sunburst i might fix up
any pickguard suggestions

something other than a normal strat pickguard maybe something like a hag pickguard with an upper horn

id appreciate some input

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:17 pm
by Viljami
Get a strat pickguard in the colour of your choosing, with the pup-routes that you intend on using (or get a blank and rout it if you'r feeling manly).
Style out different versions (no horn, different horn etc.). Choose one. Make it happen. Finish build. Post pics. Then send guitar to me (gonna be expensive), just because I was soooo helpful :D. Of course studying on teh intarwebs how other people have done it might help too.