Bass cab drivers/wiring and power rating question
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:08 pm
It's heavy garbage week here, and a friend spotted a Traynor YSC-9 PA cabinet on the curb and I was able to get my bandmate to nab it for me. The YSC-9 is a 15"/12"/Attenuated horn cab, initially running at 4Ohm, 100W. Now, the 15" & 12" drivers are missing, and I intend to get them replaced so I can finally use an amp head I bought almost 2 years ago
I want to maintain the 4Ohm rating, but up the power handling to about 400W (my amp pumps 350W @4Ohm, 500W@2Ohm, 250W@8Ohm).
I do understand wiring series/parallel to alter Ohmage, but what I don't really get is how to determine/attain certain power handling. I'm not sure what the attenuated horn is rated for in terms of resistance and power, but, what would I look for in the main drivers to get high power rating?
I want to maintain the 4Ohm rating, but up the power handling to about 400W (my amp pumps 350W @4Ohm, 500W@2Ohm, 250W@8Ohm).
I do understand wiring series/parallel to alter Ohmage, but what I don't really get is how to determine/attain certain power handling. I'm not sure what the attenuated horn is rated for in terms of resistance and power, but, what would I look for in the main drivers to get high power rating?