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Troupe de Bacchus: New Recordings!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:12 pm
by Bacchus
This is a draft of the first song that's nearing completion. There are still a few issues, namely the bass and guitar are too loud. There are a few crackles on the bass part but that'll be re-recorded for the most part. It was done mostly on a set of earbuds too, so the mixing's a bit off.

Tell me what you think! ... rning-demo

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:15 am
by James
The crackle sounds like digital distortion through clipping. You probably already know that but thought I'd mention it just in case. Digital recording is surprisingly low noise even with cheaper systems.

I'm guessing you've DI'd the bass but however you recorded it have it peak at about -6 or -8db at the highest and you'll have plenty of headroom not to clip. That goes for any digital recording really. If you are DI'ing it then it's you should probably consider compressing it a little when you record. Use a soft ratio but if you find you're not comfortable with how it sounds then leave it until after recording as you obviously can't remove it if you record it that way.
BacchusPaul wrote:There are still a few issues, namely the bass and guitar are too loud... ...It was done mostly on a set of earbuds too, so the mixing's a bit off.
Pretty much all of your issues with it comes down to EQ. Several things are battling to occupy the same space in the frequency spectrum and you're struggling to balance the volume because of it. Using earbuds to mix it will only compound that. If you turn up one, the others become lost and it always feels like every track is being pulled down by the others. That always end up with everything feeling too loud and nothing feeling balanced. If you sort out the EQ everything will fall into place very quickly.

The recording on the whole sounds alright though. A few things sound a little too boxy and unfortunately they're boxed into the same boxes (in the way mentioned above). There seems to be enough fidelity that the original tracks are probably fine and they've just been over EQ'd in the wrong ways.

I quite like the song. If you re-record the parts you want to do I'd enjoy having a go at mixing it for you. If you want to do that you'd just send me a zip or rar file containing the raw tracks all aligned so they're easy to reassemble (have blank space at the beginning of each so they all start at the exact same point). Regardless of if you want to do that or not I can go into more detail about the EQ thing I mention and balancing in general. I'm happy to do it either here or in PM.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:08 pm
by Bacchus
That'd be amazing, James. Even just to hear how much better it would sound having been EQ'd properly and what sort of standard we should be trying to get the rest of the stuff. Thanks a million.

I think what I'll do tomorrow night is:

Re-record bass part
Send everything to you
Have a go at EQ'ing myself using your advice (it's something I ought to get better at, like)

Have you any preference for what format the data is? At the minute it's .aif

The bass crackles I'm talking about (c.1m50s) aren't clipping I think. I think it's cable/jack crackle. The bass was plugged straight in to my Firebox, straight into Logic using Ampeg SVX as a plugin (well, AU).

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:46 pm
by James
aif is fine, just upload it to megaupload or similar and then PM me the link. Let me know if you want any extra details on how to prepare it.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:53 pm
by lorez
i actually like the mix in a way, its different and makes you think a lot more. I like the vocal and how low it is and how it seems to be overdriven. The crackle you mention on the bass makes it feel authenitc and alive, very 70s and analogue, overdriving the desk type effect. there are some points where its to busy and the eq/levels need some taming in the middle but otherwise it reminds me of Steve Mason/Beta Band type vibe.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:54 am
by hotrodperlmutter
man, i really dig the sprawling, yet minimalist sound of this tune. really great stuff. i'd love to hear the rest. i can hear the just right amount of theory in it that it comes across real smooth. had to listen a few times to grasp the whole groove, but good.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:24 am
by avj
This is a really, really good song, Paul. After after giving it several listens, I would agree that James' advice is a good start.

Having said that though, I think -- vocals aside -- the recording has a really great feel with the current EQ until about 1:37. I think the vocals throughout could stand to occupy a slightly elevated frequency range. Perhaps also brighten the guitar up at 1:37 when it starts picking up, then open the whole song up a bit from 1:56 on.

Really though, this an expertly-penned tune. I think it could have been recorded underwater and still sound great. I also heartily echo lorez and hotrod's sentiments above.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:21 am
by Gabriel
Really liked the piano sound, was a great song.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:12 pm
by Gavin
I wouldn't say it's close enough to be a rip off, but the intro reminds me of this:


It's really good Paul.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:41 pm
by Bacchus
Gavin wrote:I wouldn't say it's close enough to be a rip off, but the intro reminds me of this:

Haha, fair point. Of all the things that it might rip off though, this is the most obscure one I have heard. You could have had Stairway to Heaven, Invitation to the Blues or anything else where the tonic descends chromatically until you reach the dominant seventh.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm not really sure how I want it to sound overall. Lorez's comments are interesting. I suppose one of the luxuries of being such a small ensemble is that you show up and play and don't really worry about tone. None of my amps have an EQ, the closest I get is a tone knob on an overdrive pedal. So I suppose I'm not used to thinking about where things should sit. We were also lucky in that the bassist who used to play with us had a fantastic ear for EQ and could rock up to any gig with any band, fiddle with the EQ and immediately sit right in the mix. So he probably held everything together for us.

James, I'll get that over to you by the end of tonight. Thanks again.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:34 pm
by Bacchus
This is two thirds of us playing a gig the other night in Belfast. We've added a drummer now, who doesn't use a full kit, just a floor tom, a snare, a crash and a tambourine type thing. Works well. He couldn't make this gig.



And a video of a gig we did a few weeks ago with the drummer:


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:19 am
by lorez
I really love those Paul. It sound's so louche and as if you are all addicted to cough syrup.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:33 pm
by Bacchus
Some videos from a festival we played last week. Sound quality is a bit shitty, but it sounded good on the night. Camera didn't get much of the piano unfortunately.




Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:49 am
by Bacchus
Here's a track off a live recording we did the day before I left Ireland. Two hours, five songs, and a couple of fluffed notes on the guitar. ... -troupe-de