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First pedal using Perfboard (VOX ToneBender)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:23 pm
by andershp

I'm thinking about building a VOX Tone Bender, using this PCB layout, diagram and part: Fuzzcentral - VOX Tone Bender

However, I'm not really sure if I want to try creating the PCB myself, so I thought I would use either perfboard or similar. If i bought the following items: ... 100mm.html ... 0-pcs.html

Would this be sufficient, since I own most other tools? Is there a good method for mounting these to the case? Anything else to know, before building my first "actual" pedal? (i've build a simple feedback looper, without pcb or perfboard)

Can the Bread board I'm linking to be used with perfboard?


Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:16 pm
by Stuart
there are a couple of options regarding board so have a look at THIS towards the bottom of the document and see what you think.

That said yes, I use the stuff you linked to and it works fine for me. You wont need to by the kit of jumper wires that you linked second. Those are for solderless breadboards, you can connect the components on your perf with normal wire, where you need to or just solder the component leads together when you can.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:36 am
by andershp
Thanks for your reply.

Okay, why would you prefer either perfboard or veroboard/stripboard?

Breadboard is mostly for testing the circuit, right? So it wont be useful, since I already have PCB layout etc. ?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:17 pm
by Stuart
andershp wrote:Thanks for your reply.

Okay, why would you prefer either perfboard or veroboard/stripboard?

Breadboard is mostly for testing the circuit, right? So it wont be useful, since I already have PCB layout etc. ?
The word breadboard gets thrown around to mean different things but yeah the big solderless breadboards that you slot components into are for testing, but some people would use the word to mean all of the prototyping materials. The thing you linked on musikding, they call breadboard but it is also a type of perf board. You still might want to build the circuit on a breadboard so you can hear how it is supposed to sound and check that you have all the right parts but it is up to you.

The type of material you use will determine what your layout will look like, that is to say how the components are joined together. Vero layouts will look like the ones in THIS thread. "Radio Shack Prototyping Board" (not that I've used it or even seen one in real life) will have a layout that looks more like a solderless breadboard layouts and the plain perf (i.e. what you were looking at and what I use) the layout will look fairly close to the schematic. Ultimately what material you use is just a matter of personal taste.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:35 pm
by h8mtv
If you need just one of a board made i'd hit Barry at I use him all the time.