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From NYC: pow wow! - free bandcamp downloads

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 6:45 am
by mtotallywired

Figured it's high time I stopped being bashful, and shared my group with all of you.
We were very active on the NYC circuit late 2008-and all of 2009. Played over 100 shows in that time.
We're currently working on a new record, and playing NYC's river to river series this July.
Blogs have tried to pinhole us with keywords like "surfy" and "laid back" and "lo-fi", which don't mean anything to me, and we've been compared to a lot of acts none of which I think are all that accurate (they try though...) BUT some notable comparisons have been The Modern Lovers, The Velvet Underground, The Walkmen, The Kinks, and weirdly enough...Belle & Sebastian?


There I am, drunk, and cracking up @ all the hip kids, on the front right. :P

All of our albums are "name your own price" but you know how that goes. read: FREE. haha.
We handed out over 1000 DIY'ed eps in 2009. we'd rather people listen to our music than have money.
However for the generous, any money that comes in goes immediately to putting out the album on limited edition vinyl, as well as helping fund an end of the summer/early fall tour to promote it. Hope you cats dig it :)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 5:41 pm
by sholkham
I really dig this, sounds good. Also I like the E.P. format as opposed to albums, it seems to make more sense for online downloads somehow.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 5:58 pm
by stewart
listening to 23 19 now. absolutely love it so far.