either Wikipedia/various forums have got the date wrong, or the 2000 neck could be from an earlier series.. CIJ Vista maybe? different truss rod openings, decal, and headstock is larger and neck is thinner on the earlier (left/bottom) one:
Vista version:
vs my 2000 Montego Black on the left:
ahh yeah. the scale length would definitely nix that idea.. still, it's odd that they're different. i'd always assumed the first CIC series were all the same!
just noticed, they both have different trems too:
they must have been throwing all sorts of ideas (or spare parts!) at them over different years
Is there any country in Asia that doesn't make Fenders? What are those lazy pieces of shit in Thailand doing? (Just chosen at random--nothing against Thai.) Actually, you'd think Fender would have tried the Philippines.
Other ideas:
Mission from Burma series
Mongolian Horde
Silver sprakel Sherpa
Tibetan Tele
Vietnam 60s RI Hanoi Rocks
If Fender had any sense they would allow each country to add their own flavor, along the lines of the OBEY Squiers. There are craftspeople in many countries who could add distinctive qualities that would make them collectible.
This is a poor example, but you get the idea. We would need some Western designers to help identify the worthwhile styles to exploit and wreck.