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1x12 Cabs

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:44 pm
by Doog
Quick question for ye, Shortscale: how do closed-back 1x12 cabs compare with 2x12 closed-back cabs?

I'm fed up with having a massive cab I can't transport myself (not owning a car) but also find my open-backed 1x12 combo lacking a little in the 'focus' and 'punch' department, especially when recording. Is there any comparison?

I'm really considering having just a small 1x12 cab to use with a Crate Powerblock or similar, which would also allow me to keep hold of my Marshall DSL50 head for old times' sake.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:46 pm
by SGJarrod
1x12 = quiter and less punch

u can get away with a 1x12 fine depending how many watts ur hitting it with, with 50 tube watts it should still be plenty loud, or 100 SS

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:53 pm
by mickie08
I gigged a tiny terror with both a open back avatar 2x12 and a closed back mesa boogies 1x12.

1x12 closed back had a bit more bass and sounded a bit more "compressed" not sure if that is the right way to say it.

2x12 open back had more headroom, more chime/jangle, a bit more clean sound. MAde the orange sound a bit more "fendery" where as the closed back made it sound like a proper orange.

I think as long as it is a decent 1x12 you will be in pretty good shape. Definitely close enough to dial in with EQ and settings.etc to get what you likely need. I would recommend an amp stand with a 1x12 or putting it up a bit so you can hear it OK. Even with my 2x12 I typically stodd it on it's side to get it a bit higher and better in the stage mix.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:07 pm
by honeyiscool
As long as you can get a 1x12 elevated a few feet off the ground, I think they're more than adequate.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:09 pm
by Thom
I gigged a few times with my Rockerverb and a 1x12 Orange cab - it sounded great.
Not quite as full, and a little more boxy than the 2x12, I guess mostly due to the smaller depth of the cab but it certainly didn't feel massively lacking in any department.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:16 pm
by willlin
I own an Orange 1 x 12 ( ex Thom as it happens) and I think it's a good balance between sounding good and not being back breakingly heavy. I've never A/Bed it with a 2 x 12 but to my ears it sounds absolutely great. It always going to sound a little constrained by its very nature, but I think it's a trade off worth having for something I can lift with a minimum of effort.

It's a sturdy little bugger too.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:25 pm
by SGJarrod
are u set on a closed back cab?...if not the Orange 212 open back cab is only a few inches bigger than a 112 cuz the speakers are offset inside

just a thought...........

212OB= 26"W x 21-1/4"H x 12"D
112= 21-1/2"W x 18"H x 11"D

with a 26lb difference, but has really nice recessed metal handles like a proper 4x12

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:39 pm
by Thom
The Orange 2x12 OB is a great little cab (which I currently use) and would be easy to stick a strip of plywood across the back to close it up. However, it's still not something you can carry one handed (which I am assuming is really what Doog is looking for). Despite the slight difference in size, the 1x12 is really much much more portable.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:41 pm
by Doog
Definitely closed-back, they're a lot more useful for recording ROCK guitar, I find.. and I just feel a bit safer transporting them around. And 'totally'about elevating guitar amps/cabs; I've done it for the last 10 years, not about to stop :)

I actually played alongside a band a few months ago in Brighton, one of the two guitarists had a small cab and a Tiny Terror and it was one of the most "tight" guitar sounds I've ever heard live, totally suited the line-up and guitar tone (crunchy, a bit jangly, nothing mega-heavy). Sounded like it had been miked up, soooo direct and punchy.

Thanks for your thoughts, guys- I may take purchase of a small cab at some point in the near future and see how I get on; worse comes to worst and I just sell it on.
Thom wrote:The Orange 2x12 OB is a great little cab (which I currently use) and would be easy to stick a strip of plywood across the back to close it up.
I actually spent a few hours doing this with my VS100R, but it just made for HUGE BOOMY RATTLENESS; I don't think it's the sort of thing you can do a bodge-job on, unfortunately.

Re: 1x12 Cabs

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:47 pm
by Gabriel
Doog wrote:I'm really considering having just a small 1x12 cab to use with a Crate Powerblock
Exactly what I've just done, although I haven't bought the cab yet. I was thinking a VHT special 6 cab and a Jensen Neo12 speaker.

Re: 1x12 Cabs

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:56 pm
by Bacchus
mrperson wrote:
Doog wrote:I'm really considering having just a small 1x12 cab to use with a Crate Powerblock
Exactly what I've just done, although I haven't bought the cab yet. I was thinking a VHT special 6 cab and a Jensen Neo12 speaker.
I realise I'm a wee bit in love with these amps at the minute, but would a Roland Cube not do as good a job and be handier, maybe?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:57 pm
by Thom
Doog wrote:
Thom wrote:The Orange 2x12 OB is a great little cab (which I currently use) and would be easy to stick a strip of plywood across the back to close it up.
I actually spent a few hours doing this with my VS100R, but it just made for HUGE BOOMY RATTLENESS; I don't think it's the sort of thing you can do a bodge-job on, unfortunately.
Ah interesting, have never tried it. Would it be possible to fashion a full back for it rather than a strip?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:57 pm
The Orange 1 X 12 is much bigger than many of the lunch box amp 1 X 12 cabs out there. Super solid!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:05 pm
by Doog
Thom wrote:
Doog wrote:
Thom wrote:The Orange 2x12 OB is a great little cab (which I currently use) and would be easy to stick a strip of plywood across the back to close it up.
I actually spent a few hours doing this with my VS100R, but it just made for HUGE BOOMY RATTLENESS; I don't think it's the sort of thing you can do a bodge-job on, unfortunately.
Ah interesting, have never tried it. Would it be possible to fashion a full back for it rather than a strip?
Yeah, I actually went the whole hog, making and putting in little mounting brackets for the panel, from 'pretty much totally covered':
► Show Spoiler 'covering EVERYTHING':
► Show Spoiler
..still with boomybuzzies :/

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:14 pm
by SGJarrod
I'm running the Orange 212ob same as Thom but I think if u sealed up the back it may not leave enough volume in the cab for the speakers to function at full potential

Re: 1x12 Cabs

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:22 pm
by Doog
BacchusPaul wrote:I realise I'm a wee bit in love with these amps at the minute, but would a Roland Cube not do as good a job and be handier, maybe?
Yeah, I was looking at these before I picked up the VS100R, as it goes. From what I read, the clean or 'Jazz Chorus' channel (ie, the one channel I'd use live) was A LOT nicer on the discontinued 80X model, compared to the current 80XL model.

That said, I might give them another look- a small all-in-one solution would be pretty nice. I had to make a little "tone control" patch cable to use in the FX loop of the VS100R to dial out the fizzy, harsh highs that were always present, hopefully the same won't be needed with the Cube since there's no fx loop.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:54 pm
by lorez
interesting thread as I've been considering an extension cab to run my laney through and didn't know whether to go for a 1x12 or a 2x10/12.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:41 pm
by mickie08
I know you mentioned them before Doog. What about the larger ZT lucnhboxes. Not the smaller original one. That would kill the head and cab in one shot.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:42 pm
by mickie08
Nevermind. The 1x12 version is showing up at 550 USD. I thought it was well under 400. Then again the little one used to be 229 and it now 300USD>

Either way, it would be a great portable amp, but that is too much $...

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:04 pm
by Doog
Yeah, those ZTs are none too cheap alas, and not sold at many places so trying out out would be difficult.

It turns out the local (well, local to my rents' house in Bognor) guitar shop sells them in their webstore so they'll probably get one in for me, if I ask reeeeal nice. They sell it at exactly the cheapest price on Ebay too, which is nifty.