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Small Clone guts

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:40 pm
by Rushkoff
Recently acquired an extremely beat up Small Clone that has a bad case of old wiring (wires are literally crumbling off of it). I have a basic knowledge of soldering, however I'm still in my infant stages of reading schematics so I was wondering if anyone had a picture of the Small Clone's guts? Both sides of the board if possible! It would be a great help.

Anyone tried modding the SC?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:46 pm
by SGJarrod
u did not state what yr or issue it try this and I hope this will point u in the right direction

small clone info

the link in the 2nd post is pics and mods

you may have to set up a account to fully see the gut shots in the 3rd post

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:52 pm
by Rushkoff
SGJarrod wrote:u did not state what yr or issue it try this and I hope this will point u in the right direction

small clone
Ahhh apologies! Basically I just want to get it back to it's original stock state for now. Since some of the wires have crumbled off I'm at a bit of a loss what needs soldered and where on the board. I'd eventually maybe like to mod it but for now I'd like to get it up and running first :) Thanks for the link!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:56 pm
by SGJarrod
I am assuming that just the wire coating is crumbling off, as I'm sure the the wire lead is copper or metal of some mixture.... I would just carefully change out one wire at a time or take detailed pics to reference when putting it back together.... just my 2 cents

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:48 am
by Rushkoff
SGJarrod wrote:I am assuming that just the wire coating is crumbling off, as I'm sure the the wire lead is copper or metal of some mixture.... I would just carefully change out one wire at a time or take detailed pics to reference when putting it back together.... just my 2 cents
Just seen the updated post, exactly what I was looking for! Much appreciated!