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Tina Weymouthing a Mustang Bass

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:19 am
by honeyiscool
So I'm a big Weymouth fan. Who isn't? "Psycho Killer" is the number one reason I bought a Mustang Bass, and I easily admit it.


Her Mustang Bass has always intrigued me. She added a neck pickup and apparently later replaced the middle pickup with a P-bass pickup. Well, I already have an Aero Mustang 4 Type 1 that I really like, so the split pickup's gonna stay, but I think I would like a neck pickup to add a bit more mellow flavor without adding a mid boost circuit, which I hate because it tends to increase output, which I dislike on a bass (but like on a guitar because it gives the humbucker effect). Then, I would do the double-stack '62 Jazz Bass wiring config.

Has anyone here done this? I was thinking of something like Duncan Cool Rails or Lace Chrome Dome would work well. I'd still rely on the middle pickup mostly, but when I need a bit more mellow flavor, I could blend in a little bit of the neck pickup. It's a bit of a major surgery, but it's just a CIJ anyway.

What do you think?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:15 am
by BillClay
Get a bigass mudbucker up in there, then wire it for a blend like you said, Billy Sheehan that shit.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:32 am
by honeyiscool
I'm worried about adding a large bass pickup to a Mustang because I like to pick close to the neck. I'll definitely be adding a guitar pickup since it fits the bass better.

And why you mention Billy Sheehan. Now I'm gonna have that "To Be With You" stuck in my head all over again.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:58 am
by ploppy
I used to be a big talking heads fan - speaking in tongues is one of my favourite all time albums.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:49 am
by Rox
I've thought about doing that . I have a Stang bass. Also want a Musicmaster . Thought about throwing in a Musicmaster pickup a little more forward and an on/off switch for both pickups . Maybe I'll do it ... :D

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:54 am
by BillClay
If you play way up by the neck then I guess that would be a problem. Not sure what single coil shaped, or any guitar pickup would be mellow enough on a bass though.