"The Million Dollar Les Paul"

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"The Million Dollar Les Paul"

Post by westtexasred »

Yesterday I walked to the Half Price Book Store near my house. I go their every week to see if they had gotten any of the books about Les Pauls and after 2 years of coming home empty handed I found a book titled "The Million Dollar Les Paul". Not very many pictures in it but alot of good interviews.

I was particularly interested in the part about the early Gibson Custom Shop back in '91 and how they came up with the specs for the resissues. According to J.T. Riboloff when he examined 25 different Bursts from the 1958 to 1960 era "They were all different".

He said no 2 headstocks were anything like the same. "The machine heads would be slightly further north or south,the scroll was shorter and the logo would be different" Riboloff said he was unable to find rules or uniformity among the original bursts he and his team examined.

The reason for this according to Riboloff was because "They were soft tooled back then "so every guitar is different. Really,there is no super correct one to reissue. "So what they did was take "the best attributes of each instrument - cosmetics,carving and all - and combine them."

Anyway it is an interesting read and does have a few cool pictures.






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Post by Billy3000 »


Have you checked out this book? I read it a while back and it was pretty good, lots of information on all the models of all eras of gibson.
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Post by westtexasred »

Billy3000 wrote:Image

Have you checked out this book? I read it a while back and it was pretty good, lots of information on all the models of all eras of gibson.
No,but I want it. I look for it at Half Price book store every time I go.This is the only "Les Paul" book I have ever found there.

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Post by pumpkin »

Cool story bro.

I've always been a fan of the Mike Bloomfield Les