Rainy day + unemployment = Warhammer.

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Rainy day + unemployment = Warhammer.

Post by ekwatts »

Or rather, Epic-scale Warhammer 40,000.

Not mad about Orks but I decided to dig out my rather extensive collection of Epic greenskins from the loft and found some surprising artefacts, including two gargants. Score! But they were missing a fair few parts, thankfully only the arms. So I cobbled a nice silly-looking gun together from bits and pieces and then set about scratching some proper arms together for the smaller brother gargant.

Look! No hands! No really, I have no idea how to make some hands. So now I'm a bit stuck. Considering this is the first time I've picked up the glue and craft knife in a long while this may be as far as I get before I realise how much of a sad nerd I'm being. Ho well.

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
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Post by Bacchus »

Get a job etc.

Looks cool.
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Post by Dave »

Impressive arm sculpting mate. You could always use Miliput or greenstuff to do mechanical tentacle fingers as an easy solution.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Post by ekwatts »

Oh, I cheated. I'll post a picture up of the completed gargant later on today.
Brandon W wrote:you elites.
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Post by GreenKnee »

That thing has Lancer from GOW!


Necrons ftw ;)
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Post by Dave »

E - I just discovered a few sprues of epic scale orks in my attic - you want them? I'll only chuck em if not. PM your addy if so.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Post by ekwatts »

Thanks Dave, PM sent. I'd forgotten about this thread, I went digging through the attic and came up with a whole bunch of stuff and I won some battered and badly-painted miniatures on eBay too. Quick dip in nail polish remover usually sorts them out (even dissolves superglue DONT USE ON PLASTIC FIGURES).

I got some Warhound scouts off eBay but they were busted up almost beyond repair. I had to straighten the legs back out but the heads were useless so I carved them off. I decided to modify them by making the weapons underslung, more like their larger Reaver Titan cousins. I used transparent plastic rod, but I still need to add some details with greenstuff. The weapons are magnetised, too, so I can swap them around. Srs bidness.


I finally settled on a design for the gargant arms using plastic bits I had lying around, mostly gun parts and styrene rods. The claws are from some resin accessory kit, I have a bunch more of them. The huge gatling gun is from something else.


Sprues! Found these in my loft. Chaos and Orks. Both bad guys. No fun. I'm a staunch Space Marine player til I die so I'll have to see if I can find some cheapo loyalist marine sprues on eBay (fat chance).

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
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Post by Dave »

That's seriously next level stuff! I wish I had pictures of just a tenth of the conversions I did - that was what I loved more than actually playing or painting. You got the skills for sure. There's no bases with the sprues but I'm sure you can improvise or have spares. If I find any more I'll send em your way
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.