Recommend upgraded neck pickup for Cyclone?

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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Recommend upgraded neck pickup for Cyclone?

Post by jcb3030 »

I have a HS Squier Cyclone. The neck single coil is pretty weak compared to the Humbucker.

I would love to get the sound of another humbucker out of the single coil. Any suggestions for an upgraded neck pickup that would compliment the Humbucker and easily drop in? I have zero modding skills.

I play pop rock to grunge.
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Post by jagsonic »

Everytime a good deal: Seymour Duncan JB jr. - or a Singlecoil like the Texmex Strat-SC - it's the Stock-Pickup in Fender Cyclones.