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$600 for a Classic Player Jazzmaster?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:11 am
by doober314
Should I do it? Stock and sunbursty.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:27 am
by jim93
not the greatest of deals but if you were going to buy one anyways

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:32 am
by Haze
only if you are in the market to buy one, even then its not like a super deal or anything.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:45 am
by doober314
Gotcha. I'll save it for some sort of a Jaguar.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:52 pm
by Rox
Are you in the OC ?

Lil hint of advice . I just moved here about 4 months ago to Southern California and I occasionally look for deals on guitars that fit my fancy . Dude , I haven't come across a decent deal yet . A lot of people here when it comes to popular models like say a USA Strat or Les Paul or even a Jazzy or Jag they ironically assume they will be about to sell them one day and put their kids through college . I've seen prices so damn inflated and though peoples aren't really buying them they INSIST that there will be some idiot with cash coming out their ears to sweep it from them in the middle of a recession. If you want a decent deal you'll have to look around elsewhere . Only kicker is you prolly won't be able to play it . I'e seen some good deals out around Phoenix though. Even Vegas . But it's far . But as for me I won't be buying much while I am living here . $2500 Late 70s Mustangs in blah condition that I would see in New Jersey for $600 ? Seriously ? :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:13 pm
by Medicine Melancholy
You, you can get one for $500 or so if you're lucky.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:52 pm
by StevePirates
If you want one "now" then it is a good deal. If you can be patient, you can get a better deal. Immediate gratification is usually worth about $50 to me.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:27 pm
by jim93
Rox wrote:Are you in the OC ?

Lil hint of advice . I just moved here about 4 months ago to Southern California and I occasionally look for deals on guitars that fit my fancy . Dude , I haven't come across a decent deal yet . A lot of people here when it comes to popular models like say a USA Strat or Les Paul or even a Jazzy or Jag they ironically assume they will be about to sell them one day and put their kids through college . I've seen prices so damn inflated and though peoples aren't really buying them they INSIST that there will be some idiot with cash coming out their ears to sweep it from them in the middle of a recession. If you want a decent deal you'll have to look around elsewhere . Only kicker is you prolly won't be able to play it . I'e seen some good deals out around Phoenix though. Even Vegas . But it's far . But as for me I won't be buying much while I am living here . $2500 Late 70s Mustangs in blah condition that I would see in New Jersey for $600 ? Seriously ? :lol:
I would rejoice your not in Boston, I look year round for deals but everything is overpriced. I spend like 3-4 weeks in LA a year and in that time in the last 2 years I found a MIJ jag for 425 and MIJ in antiquities for 525, both from OC sellers.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:36 am
by doober314
I picked up the guitar a few days ago for $550. I told the guy I was going to pass on it, so he dropped the price down to $550... so saving for a Jaguar is going to take a bit longer.

I'm up in northern California right now, but I'm from Orange County. A friend of mine got a MIJ Jaguar for about $400 a few years ago somewhere in southern California. If I only had the money then.