Pretty amazing deal on Epi P-90 Les Paul
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:28 pm
The 1956 Limited Edition Version ... ID=4003003
The ebony restock is only $249,and the coupon code `Saveten1' takes it down to $225 shipped.
For a nice P-90 Les Paul that's a steal. Less than Rondo prices. It's you've ever had the itch, thats a pretty reasonable price to scratch it at. ... ID=4003003
The ebony restock is only $249,and the coupon code `Saveten1' takes it down to $225 shipped.
For a nice P-90 Les Paul that's a steal. Less than Rondo prices. It's you've ever had the itch, thats a pretty reasonable price to scratch it at.