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NGD: Gibson Les Paul Studio Fireburst

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:03 am
by rlm2112
I've actually had this for a couple weeks now. I traded some stuff I wasn't using for it at GC. It was $924 used. It came with Gibson locking tuners and hardshell case. I have an old Epiphone LP Standard that I love, but I just really wanted a Gibson for the longest time. Is it perfect? no. Are there Epiphones that are better than it for less money? yes. I had a new Epiphone Riveria Royale that looked like a white falcon. I loved the way it looked, but for $550 the overall quality and feel were pretty bad. I had to upgrade so many things on it that I felt like I was better off just getting something like this. So I did.
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I love the way it looks and feels, and it sounds REALLY good. So I'm happy :D It didn't have a pickguard or holes for one, which is just the way I like it. The only think I might do is get cream pickup rings and switch ring for it. MAYBE change the nut to a Tusq XL like most of my guitars now.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:03 am
by Bacchus
Is it just the photos or is it that target bursted in real life? I've never seen an Epiphone or Gibson like that.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:43 am
by rlm2112
BacchusPaul wrote:Is it just the photos or is it that target bursted in real life? I've never seen an Epiphone or Gibson like that.
No. That's from the camera flash, and because it's a really old camera.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:46 pm
by cobascis
Nice!! I definitely dig these guitars more sans pick guard. Looks to be a real work horse.