I'd actually buy them because they have Mike Matthews on them. That has to add something to the tone, right?
I'm just as cynical about this but it at least allows them to include a branded EHX battery in the pedal box with a brand new purchase. That's important for some companies.
hahaha wow... that is quite ridiculous, although for EH it seems like a good move since there's certainly people out there that would buy them. I heard something a while back about how John Frusciante has all of his batteries for his pedals drained to a certain amount before he puts them in his pedals for shows because apparently it affects the tone. Seems absurd to me, not that I know much about that whether or not it makes a difference, but I highly doubt it makes a very noticeable, audible difference.
jcyphe wrote:The type of battery you use in a basic fuzz pedal and the amount of juice it has absolutely changes the tone.
it's true, I used to have a power adapter that was a little over nine volts and I'd use it on my tube screamer to give it a little extra balls on the gain. That said, it doesn't make sense to do that with a battery because after 4 uses, it would just be down to a lower power anyways.
When I used a DS-1 as a teenager I always used a sapped battery in it, and never an AC adapter. It undeniably sounded a hell of a lot smoother that way without sounding broken or dying. I didn't buy special batteries or anything, I would just use ones that had been in my tuner for a month (playing every day when I got home from school for a couple hours).
I always found the idea of guitar companies marketing batteries (like Dano) a bit stupid, but branding them is fine. It's not like those companies even make them, or that they're even made special/different to other batteries most of the time.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"