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JB Jr in Jag

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:07 am
by louis
Well I've sort of scrapped the idea of making a bitch guitar and have decided (well, my bank balance has decided) to work with what I've got.

So christmas is coming and I was thinking of maybe asking santa for a SD JB Jr to put into the bridge of my jag.


- Is there a specific 'model' of JB Jr I need to go for or will the 'strat' ones fit in without the claw on?

- How does the wiring work with these and the Jag? I'm not that bothered about loosing the low end filter deallie if needs be (by the way I'm retarded with electronics and wiring so will be passing info on to whoever puts this in for me.)

- Has anybody here actually ever done this? does it sound any good and do you have some samples?

nnnniiiiiiiiiiiccccccccceeeeeeee oooonnnnnneeeeeeeeee.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:41 am
by Pens
I did this. It drops right in minus the claw. You do have to space it up with some foam or something, then use the screws to push it back down towards the body.

It sounds loud and heavy.

I haven't opened up my Jag in forever but you should be able to just wire it up like the existing bridge pup.

Samples...I only have a rough mix from my bands demo sans vocals that I have proof of it's sounds...I think, lemme dig.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:52 am
by Pens
Uh, okay so forgive the rough mixing here, this was just done quick to give me something to listen to so I could write lyrics before going back this weekend to do the vocals.

Jag with JB Jr in the bridge, into a Twin running to a 2x12 at 8ohms so it's a bit more distorted than it ought to be since it's pushing twice as hard."Clean" sounds are into a modified Rat at low gain to be my overdrive, heavy sounds are my modified Rat with no tone control. ... k%2002.mp3

Oh, wait. This might be a better picture of how it sounds clean, the intro and first part are completely clean on this.

PLEASE forgive how sloppy this one sounds, this was the last song tracked and we were all really tired by this point and just wanted to get it done. ... k%2006.mp3

HANG ON WTF SOMETHING IS FUCKED WITH THOSE FILES WHEN THEY UPLOADED. Okay it's not the files they sound fine as long as I don't put them in the stream tags, something is fucked with the streamer.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:01 am
by louis
snz kool. The dirty bits sound like just what I'm looking for. Listening back to the recordings from the other week my guitar sounds too pokey, playing single coils through a combo will do that, so I just need something to blend me in a bit, and a new head/cab is out of the question at the moment so I think I'll give this a go.

cheers man.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:33 am
by dots
Pens wrote:HANG ON WTF SOMETHING IS FUCKED WITH THOSE FILES WHEN THEY UPLOADED. Okay it's not the files they sound fine as long as I don't put them in the stream tags, something is fucked with the streamer.
worked fine for me? maybe this was when the server was taking a shite earlier?

anyway, yeah, what he said, louis. jag w/ jb jr is tits. lil screamin demon is insane, if you think you're up for it (pro tip: you can split the coils on the demon and get a really decent single tone still).

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:08 am
by Pens
Yeah, that's why I never play my Hagstrom anymore, I like the sound of singles when messing around, but in a band setting they just cannot get as beefy as I need them to get. All of my guitars aside from the Hagstrom have buckers now. I want to route my MIJ Jag for a proper full bucker in the bridge, but I just cannot bring myself to modify it.

Dots, nah I dunno what it was, maybe it was my computer/browser, but the streamer would be fine for about 15 seconds then it would start glitching. I took it out of the stream tags and played it in another tag directly, and it worked fine.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:02 am
by GreenKnee
I've done this too, fits in no problem without the claws.

Sounds beastly when distorted, but it just doesn't cut it for me clean. Sounds too plinky and not smooth enough; although it does make a nice nice contrast when used with the neck pickup.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:52 am
by othomas2
This may help... ... installing
Not the 'correct' way to do it, but back in the day... I just desoldered the wires from the original jag pickup and connected the wires from the new p/up to these rather than messing with switch terminals etc. Then just electrical taped the connections. The wire length should really be kept to a minimum due to RF interference but after I shortened the wires later I didn't hear any difference.

Personally I never liked the pickup... too dark & mid heavy for me, but that's just my preference.

I ended up with the cool rails which I real like. If you like certain aspects about singles and hums then I highly recommend one.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:19 am
by Ben79
I like the music. The slight sloppiness on the second actually seems to give it a characterful edginess.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:38 pm
by louis
othomas2 wrote:This may help... ... installing
Not the 'correct' way to do it, but back in the day... I just desoldered the wires from the original jag pickup and connected the wires from the new p/up to these rather than messing with switch terminals etc. Then just electrical taped the connections. The wire length should really be kept to a minimum due to RF interference but after I shortened the wires later I didn't hear any difference.

Personally I never liked the pickup... too dark & mid heavy for me, but that's just my preference.

I ended up with the cool rails which I real like. If you like certain aspects about singles and hums then I highly recommend one.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:39 pm
by Mike
Personally I would go with a Hot for Jaguar or 1/4 Pounder or whatever they're called, the JB is a bit HONKY in my opinion.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:57 pm
by louis
Mike wrote:Personally I would go with a Hot for Jaguar or 1/4 Pounder or whatever they're called, the JB is a bit HONKY in my opinion.
srsly? I've just had a look and they seem pretty good, AGHH I just don't know.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:10 pm
by Mike
It's your call of course, but I think the Jag Bridge position has a nasal quality which might be accentuated in the wrong way by slapping a really mid rich pickup in there, but what do I know?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:14 pm
by louis
Mike wrote:It's your call of course, but I think the Jag Bridge position has a nasal quality which might be accentuated in the wrong way by slapping a really mid rich pickup in there, but what do I know?
Yeah I see what you mean, but then putting single coils in there could leave me with my original problem...

I'll sleep on it. (another factor is my pickup covers have aged like a fucking boss and look badass which would be a shame to waste).

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:30 pm
by johnnyseven
My 2 cents worth. I had a Jag with a SD Hot in the bridge and I didn't really like it, sounded too thick and muddy to my ears.

Although it's a different guitar, i've tried both Hots and Quarter Pounders in a Jazzmaster and liked the QP alot more.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:30 pm
by Fran
Mike wrote:Personally I would go with a Hot for Jaguar
Me too.
They handle Gain well and you get to keep the claw/cover. I've fitted all sorts in my Jags over the years and the SD Jr style pups seem half arsed to me, you loose some of the guitars looks yet still dont really have the beef of a full size Humbucker (in my opinion).

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:32 pm
by Fran
johnnyseven wrote:My 2 cents worth. I had a Jag with a SD Hot in the bridge and I didn't really like it, sounded too thick and muddy to my ears.

Although it's a different guitar, i've tried both Hots and Quarter Pounders in a Jazzmaster and liked the QP alot more.
Muddy? O.o

QP's are vile on cleans, really harsh.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:35 pm
by Mike
Johnny7 has cloth ears.

I've heard him say that some of the brightest pedals I've known are dark.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:43 pm
by louis
Fran wrote:
Mike wrote:Personally I would go with a Hot for Jaguar
Me too.
They handle Gain well and you get to keep the claw/cover. I've fitted all sorts in my Jags over the years and the SD Jr style pups seem half arsed to me, you loose some of the guitars looks yet still dont really have the beef of a full size Humbucker (in my opinion).
what sort of 'beef levels' are you looking at with the Hot?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:45 pm
by louis
it would also help if on the seymour duncan site they put samples up of what the pickups sound like distorted, rather than with just a minimal amount of Overdrive.