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"First Tracks" - rock instrumental w/short scale s
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:57 pm
by batsbrew
"First Tracks" - groovy rock instrumental with my custom strat with gibson scale length neck
'first tracks', is a term that skiers and riders use, who know the early morning powder is the best.
this was the very first recording i made with the new build.
details at this link:
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:37 pm
by batsbrew
Bump for action
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:05 am
by batsbrew
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:43 am
by gaybear
if they ever do a remake of less than zero, ,this would make a good soundtrack
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:28 am
by light rail coyote
Sounds really good and clean, Nice shredding!
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:30 am
by light rail coyote
Sounds like it could be pearl jam.....jamming, in full rock mode. and I mean that as a compliment
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:38 pm
by batsbrew
"Less than zero".....
that really got my interest, looked it up, forgot about that one!
1987, that was one of robert downy jr's first movies, right?
maybe i saw that one, way back when, but couldn't quit remember (those years are..........hazy. LOL)
thanks for checking it out.
light rail
thanks for checking it out.
this one was fun to do....
the 2nd half, is just one guitar, bass and kit. just a pure 3-piece vibe.....
i accidently managed to get a good room sound on it, pretty much the way it sounded to me, in the room.
and those kinds of things are pretty much hit and miss..
i threw the mic up, and did a one take.
if i tried to re-record the whole thing, using the same gear and all that setup, it wouldn't sound the same!
thanks for listening.
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:24 pm
by batsbrew
i think this was from the actual session....