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Life's A Beech.....Block.....Brosonic!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:54 am
by JohnnyTheBoy
Ok i'm's been a while, and i havent completely hibernated over the past 10 months infact quite the opposite...
If you remember back to February i started a Jazzomaster build (which im nearing completion) at the mo im working on the neck for this...
Once i got that done i can finish the body..sanding prepping and finally paint...
BUT!! I got to thinking...i ve always fancied a DuosonicII/bronco hybrid with a fixed bridge and thru stringing like Mike's.....

Seeing as the Jazzmaster im building is in Oak, it would be rude not to create the Brosonic in another crazy wood....

That's when i came across this in a skip......a beech block work surface offcut..
Amazing what people chuck away!..ok lets sort the template not gonna rabbit on, ill just show the build pics....
That's the shape cut out..rounded over, and with belly cut....
Now onto hogging out before routing cavities...
Bronco template made, time to route out!
Finshed body/guard............................................Onto the neck!..This is in ash and 24" conversion neck scale....Ebony fingerboard.......Out with the Radius jig
Time for fret scale..taken straight off my Jagmaster........................Drilling marker dot holes............................
Cutting frets with a Stanley Backsaw......and a poundshop mitre block........dropping marker dots in with a bit of superglue
This is what im aiming for..

All ive gotta do left is route neck pocket, drill holes for string-thru ferrals, sand seal/paint body, glue fretboard on, fit/cut fretwire and carve neck out/thin head/put logo on/lacquer....thinking Olympic White or Orange :)...nearly there!...prob another 1-2 months work in it....
Watch this space :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:10 am
by Pens
Damn. That already looks nice. Good on ya for doing a neck from scratch, I'm extremely interested in pics of that process.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:22 am
by gaybear
this is an awesome project

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:26 am
by lorez
as gabe says, post is awesome and looking forward to progress.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:49 am
by jamba72
Yeah, looks quite nice already..
You´re quite familiar with all the tools for doing a scratch neck build..

so, the body blank is made of pieces that are running 90 degrees of the body axis? I have no idea, if sound is affected by this in general..interesting..
oak is quite heavy?

cream finish is cool, also the Toronado-style bridge..

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:54 am
by stewart
mad skillz.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:57 pm
by hotrodperlmutter

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:01 pm
by serfx
+1 to Gnar!

this is some serious awesome..

though with going with the conversion neck, you will need to mount the bridge back further then if you were not... but bridge --> pickguard gaps = sexy
make sure you tripple measure before drilling your bridge posts / string through holes.
(though i'm sure you will with what you got going on)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:43 pm
by JohnnyTheBoy
Cheers all! Some great comments and questions, and real interest shown!
It's taken me a long time to make up the jigs etc, and sort niggly probs out, but am at the stage
Where I can do what I need to do relatively quickly...
Work and diy constraints don't help ha ha!

The choice of tonewood wasn't a choice really, simply a body found in a skip!
If it sounds gash I can always invest in some better wood!...
The ash for the neck was free too!

The scale has been meticulously measured and on the body I marked out 24", 24" conversion, and 25.5" to see
where the bridge should go (scales and measurements taken off my jagmaster)...

The pickguard was made exactly to suit this body, but the template will let me make more if needed ;-)
As it goes, these conversion necks are 10mm off the 25.5" u can't just stick one onto a jazzmaster body, as you have hardly any intonation movement...on a tele yes!...

I've got band practice tonite otherwise I'd be finishing the neck off, and starting the fret business ;-)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:15 pm
by serfx
yeah.. i've learned that with conversion necks it is really a matter of how much intonation play you have on the bridge.. def won't work on a jazzmaster. but a tele, and some strats (bridge dependant) they will

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:28 pm
by JohnnyTheBoy
Yep!..all down to bridge..I'm gonna have to cut into my neckpocket/guard on the Jazz build to make it work..
Hopefully won't fack it up!... :wink: