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Marshall Combo 2200???

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:15 am
by montheshakers
Just clocked this on ebay ... 500wt_1413

Has anyone had experience with this amp or heard some stuff about it?
Looking for my 1st guitar amp at the moment and gearing towards the Fender mustang 1 or 2. Should i stick with Mustang or jump on this?
In fact any recommendation on a 1st amp would be nice

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:22 am
by louis
if it is you're first ever amp, personally I would recommend one of these (or a larger version): ... 500wt_1286

TON's of settings and effects, and does a really good job at emulating. If it's anything like my vt-50 it can be as loud as fuck aswell (for its size), £75 + p&p for that is a pretty good deal.