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Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:41 am
by rodvonbon
So, I've been into synths lately and have picked up a few this past month. One of them was a Poly-800 I got off eBay for 200 bucks. Some of the stock sounds are exactly what I'm looking for and have found a way to use it for background noises in songs I've been writing.
But, before I got it I looked around the web and saw all the mods that can be done, so after owning it for all of 3 days I tore into it.

The first thing I did was replace the red display for blue. The lcd's have about 20 solder points on each, but really only took about half an hour to swap the old ones for new.
Here is a pic of me checking to see if they worked:

Next up were both the Moog Slayer and FM-800 mods. I found clear schematics online, ordered some pots and I already had the resistors from a previous amp build. I wired everything in and powered it up and thought I had destroyed it. The only sound that came out was all osculating noise on every patch. There was nothing useful and nothing like the way all the dudes on youtube got theirs to sound. I checked, double checked and triple checked all of my work and could find nothing wrong. It finally dawned on me that when I removed power all of it's programming got wiped out. The early versions didn't come with backup power and once the power is turned off (if you don't have, like 6, size C batteries in it) all of your patches get lost. The previous owner had a battery in there, but it was dead and his work looked like shit.
So the next thing to do was redo the internal 3.0V lithium battery back up to keep power to the rom:

After I put the battery in and reloaded all of the factory patches (from the tape in on the back) I realized the mods ruined what factory patches I liked. Now I tore everything apart again and added a small board that holds all of the original components and I ran all of the stock and modded stuff through toggle switches. I can jump between either by the flick of a switch!

All of the stuff on the left is new circuitry:

Close up of the back of the pots and switches:

Front shot of everything together:

New Blue display:

All the pots and switches. The top one is FM control, the bottom left is resonance and the bottom right is cutoff:

The only thing left to do is install some led lights for each function. I think I've got an idea cooked up in my head to make it happen, but until I find some time to try it out I don't know if it will work or not.

Finally here is Poly resting on top of the other synths I picked up. It's amazing how much my musical taste has changed, as far as creating goes.


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:05 am
by gaybear
awesome thread, A+!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:12 am
by Sloan
I think it's funny how the blue display makes it seem more modern. lol.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:23 am
by NickS
Sloan wrote:I think it's funny how the blue display makes it seem more modern. lol.
Yeah. Now he just needs to change the turquoise paint job.
Good work there and I'm jealous of the collection.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:13 am
by Ben79
It's a wise buy, these and the Roland alpha Junos can still be had for pretty cheap and make nice sounds. I was looking into getting one and doing the moog slayer a while back but where you persevered I would surely have launched it out the window.

Great thread, thanks for posting.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:20 am
by lorez
gaybear wrote:awesome thread, A+!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:57 pm
by rodvonbon
NickS wrote:
Sloan wrote:I think it's funny how the blue display makes it seem more modern. lol.
Yeah. Now he just needs to change the turquoise paint job.
Good work there and I'm jealous of the collection.

Hey, don't make fun, I like the new display and turquoise.
I was digging around in a parts box and found some old turquoise and black knobs that match it perfectly. The only thing is the shafts of the pots will need to be cut down to make them fit. Maybe I'll do it when I put in the blue leds.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:11 pm
by avj
Totally awesome thread. I almost grabbed one of these in trade for my Alesis Micron last year, but the guy had already sold it and just gave me cash. I ended up purchasing an Ensoniq ESQ-1 with the proceeds (another underrated dream synth for me).

I was very excited to perform the Moog Slayer and FM-800 mods on my almost-Poly-800 as well, and your implementation is a great idea. I really hope I can get my hands on one soon.

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I'd love to see some RVB-style demos of this guy. Keep us posted!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:50 pm
by rodvonbon
avj wrote:Totally awesome thread. I almost grabbed one of these in trade for my Alesis Micron last year, but the guy had already sold it and just gave me cash. I ended up purchasing an Ensoniq ESQ-1 with the proceeds (another underrated dream synth for me).

I was very excited to perform the Moog Slayer and FM-800 mods on my almost-Poly-800 as well, and your implementation is a great idea. I really hope I can get my hands on one soon.

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I'd love to see some RVB-style demos of this guy. Keep us posted!
They can still be had for cheap if your patient enough. I bid on another one that had all the goodies, like the manual, power adapter and carry bag for it. It went for more than I wanted to spend, but was still pretty low.
There's a broken one I've been watching on eBay. I'm pretty sure I know whats wrong with it and might throw a bid on it. There was another broken one last week that went for 45 bucks, so if this one stays in the same range, I'll have a second Poly. I don't really know what I would do with it, the midi on them is so basic it almost has to go on the end of a midi chain. But, for a cheap enough price, I'd be stupid to pass on it (that's what I tell Mrs Vonbon).

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:45 pm
by ghost_effects
very nice work!

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:42 pm
by JohnnyTheBoy
This is great!..I never knew you could do stuff like this to them!...shame I dont play keys...

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:54 pm
by rodvonbon
Thanks for the positive comments, guys

JohnnyTheBoy wrote:This is great!..I never knew you could do stuff like this to them!...shame I dont play keys...
I wouldn't say I know how to play keys either ;)

The second busted Poly went for too much money, so I guess I'll just have to be happy with the one I've got. I am thinking about getting a cheap distortion and mounting it inside the case, with the knobs and on/off switch on the front panel. I'm pretty sure I'd need a stereo pedal to make it work right.