In january I recorded an album of my solo noisy loop based nonsense. It was the launch gig last night where I got to put up an exhibition of my artwork too and stuff.
Anyway, the album comes as a CD/DVD package, in a hand spraypainted and screenprinted sleeves. You can hear all the tracks over on
The dvd contains the whole recording session of each song fucked
about with to make it not just me in a corner for 38 minutes. below is the first track 'Ω IS WHERE THE HEART IS'
Are you a fan of fuck buttons? It's similar to what youre doing in that it's electrical noise rock type stuff. If not check them out. Sure you'll like them.
Also. Digging the fuck out of this.
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:13 am
by wwrrss
chrismakesgod wrote:Are you a fan of fuck buttons? It's similar to what youre doing in that it's electrical noise rock type stuff. If not check them out. Sure you'll like them.
Also. Digging the fuck out of this.
I'm not a fan of Fuck Buttons, I saw them live and basically got pissed off watching one guy attempt to do something good whilst the other sat off on his laptop posting on facebook, but I have a weird aversion to laptops in bands. I know what you mean though. I've never listen to any of their recorded stuff.
Glad you like it though!
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:40 pm
by sp3k
i love your stuff! will order that and some stickers when i get paid
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:49 pm
by wwrrss
sp3k wrote:i love your stuff! will order that and some stickers when i get paid
Sean Wars is the name, Spirit Animals his musical moniker… chases plenty of tasty amp banshees and illuminated canker through his labyrinth of daisy chained hardware... every track is a joy to soak up... spins out like a hex of mouth falling blisters... an enquiry of curious statics on firework ripped hearts as slurs of accordion and skeleton ethnicity weasel their way towards ever new mutations... what's more, the dvd extra captures every detail in glowing colour and skipping apparition... Fuck 2012 is well worth your attention and a steal at only a fiver.
and also got played on the Crow Versus Crow Radioshow #29
Their #28 Radioshow also played Monobrow - my old noise big band and Trouble with Books - my folk/drone band.
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:18 pm
by Mo Law-ka
Just revisited this today as study music and it's FUCKING FANTASTIC
Do has MOAR?!
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:07 pm
by robert(original)
way cool! its been a while since i have sat with some noisy effects and gone ape shit.
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:18 am
by wwrrss
Mo Rawka wrote:Just revisited this today as study music and it's FUCKING FANTASTIC
Do has MOAR?!
I'm currently in the middle of that mindfuck that is contemplating pressing the next album on vinyl and possibly ending up with 200 copies untouched under my bed.
Something will defo appear in 2014 though. also, I put Fuck 2012 up for pay what you want, but you can totally have it for free like.