I was wondering if anyone with the electrical skills (or even if you had one already made up) could help me out with a custom schematic for the mustang project i have in the pipes. I'm moving the volume pot to where the tone pot usually is and adding a three way in at the volume position on the control plate, just a simple neck/both/bridge job.
However, I have no idea where to start in regards to coming up with a schematic for the luthier i'm sending it to. Every schematic I could find for this sort of set up had two volumes and two tones, and as I'm electronically retarded, I don't know which wires to cut out for a single volume and no tone type deal.
Johnny Noir wrote:your sound won't be too bright without the tone pot?
It depends on the value of the volume pot. It will be a bit brighter without the tone pot, but shouldn't be largely brighter than if it still had the tone pot up on 10.