How to get this tremolo-like sound

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How to get this tremolo-like sound

Post by riotshield »

I want to get this tremolo style effect pattern like it is heard on Disintegration at around 3:45, could be some synth or guitar even.
I am not looking for the actual sound but a way to achieve a similar pattern. It sounds like tremolo but then the wave is not even, if you get what I mean.
Any ideas on how that could be done?

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Post by UlricvonCatalyst »

Sounds like either a sequenced synth part or else a sequencer triggering a gate on an audio track to get that choppy sound perfectly in time with the rhythm track (a popular trick at the time, much used by The Shamen at the point where they hadn't quite given up bothering with guitars altogether).

You could probably achieve a similar effect playing staccato notes into a delay unit with a tap tempo if you set the returns to be as loud as the original note.
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Post by Ben79 »

That's a sequenced synthesizer, it doesn't seem to be a straight tremolo. When you said 'not even' I thought you might have meant an asymmetrical waveform like the down ramp amplitude oscillator on a Vox Repeat Percussion - that's probably the closest you'd get to this sound using a guitar - but you obviously won't get the particular rhythmic pattern from this song, just a repeating waveform.
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Post by moogmusic »

If you want to get a tremolo that does more interesting things, I totally recommend the Roger Linn AdrenaLinn. You can program a 32 step tremolo sequence and a fuckton of other goodies besides. And while the current model can be pricey, the ones and twos (teehee) can be picked up pretty cheaply.