While perusing the used Guitar section, I saw a used Fender Coronado II. I played it immediately and I was floored how good it sounded through a Fender Blues Junior III they had setup.
Then I saw the price tag: $799!
I think I my heart skipped 3 beats!!! You never see these guitars in music stores or Craiglist and never for that price.
I immediately called my wife and told her I was not leaving without it. She said 'oK' I am super stoked.
I have never had such a bad case of GAS come on that quick and strong. Luckily my wife is amazing and understood. I knew if I put that guitar back I would never have another shot at a deal like that.
Overall Condition
Frets are in good condition except for the 1st one, but playable.
Missing the tremolo arm. Any idea what I could use as a replacement one?
Missing the pickguard. I probably won't replace it. I think it looks hot without it.
Strap Button by the neck is loose. Not sure how to fix it.
A couple of the pots are kinda scratchy when you turn them.