To Trade or Not To Trade

Pickups, pedals, amps, cabs, combos

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To Trade or Not To Trade

Post by metalhead384 »

Recently I posted an ad on Craigslist trying to get rid of my SansAmp GT2, seeing as how I don't use it, because I have other pedals that do its same job, just as good if not better. I got a reply from someone asking me of I'd wanna trade for
A) Boss BCB 60 powered pedalboard. I'm considering this one, because on my current board, I am using a piece of wood I found in my attic with some Velcro on it and a one spot to power all of it. It can hold all the pedals in running,(Carbon Copy, Fish n Chips EQ, Big Muff with tone wicker, and marshall Guvnor, and I'm planning on getting a polytune, which means I wont have all of room left). I would like to get a pedal train pt mini, but I'd like to get some feedback on this option

B) Fender Frontman 212r, currently I running an Orange Tiny Terror, through a Blackheart 1x12 cabinet, I'd like to have the 2 channel feature, which I could get from this amp. My friend has one, and I really liked it when I played it. Another upside is I recently painted my cabinet, and i really enjoyed it, so I would be able to paint this another cool color. And this amp would hopefully be able to be as loud as bassist, he is loud as ALL hell.

C) 5th generation 30g iPod, person never specified which kind of iPod it was big I'm assuming it is the classic. I am currently using the iPod on my iPhone, and honestly I'd rather stop using that, cus it's taking up space I could use for like other cool shit. And I've wanted a new iPod for quite sometime, but don't have the money.

Honestly I think I'd be fine with gettin any of these. Id like to get some more opinions on this, on what would be the best buy.

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Post by othomas2 »

They all sound like a very good trade.

Be aware the Boss boards are really designed for Boss only pedals. They have cutouts for them. I'm sure you could modify to suit. Like cut your own shapes in the foam or lay velcro on top etc.

I always liked the Frontmans.... nice clean basis for effects. I wouldn't personally use the drive channel. They have just been discontinued as well, so the likelyhood is.... someone will probably still want it if you were to ever sell it on