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Why must i tinker?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:17 am
by Mattsican
I don't get it. If i've a guitar i feel an obsessive need to mod, tinker, and fuck with it. Pups mostly. There's nothing wrong with it, but i feel the need for it to not be stock. it drives me nuts. It's like i get bored with it and i want to fuck around with it. My PS Mustang is stock, and is awesome, but it being stock bugs the shit out of me. Now that im building another mustang i want to switch the bridge pickup out. i play all kinds of shit and i've a feeling that once i build it my PS mustang is going to be my "metal" guitar and it needs more balls in the bridge. and a brown/red tort pick guard. I think it'd look cool with the stock neck big bucker and a single coil sized humbucker in the bridge with more balls and the same coil splitting options.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:46 am
by Sparky
Pretty much everyone here has that same affliction, haha. We all love our instruments dearly and want them to look and sound both unique and "just right."

Sometimes it can be an impossible journey of swapping out pickups, changing tuners (lol, locking tuners), and playing with the action and intonation until you don't even want to look at your favorite guitar anymore. It's fine! When I was in high school, I swapped out everything on my Jagmaster: both pickups, the pickguard, even the goddamn knobs. It helped me learn how to solder, but it also helped me to better understand tone and what sort of pickups I needed for the sound I wanted.

It's all a great learning experience, and in your case, if you don't like your mods you can just switch it all back and sell the parts. A small fee for learning about your instrument and the type of musician you are.

</philosophical ramble>