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Harley Benton Guitar Kit.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:51 pm
by snowman
Hey Shortscalers,

Apologies if a similar topic has been posted before, I had a quick search and couldn't find anything.

Has anyone had any experiences with the Harley Benton guitar kits? I stumbled across this one; ... tstyle.htm

I quite fancy it for a little project, and with the cost of £50 i wouldn't really mind if it wasn't great. Couple of questions for anyone who has tried these out;

Can you swap the pickguard and the screw holes will match up? I much prefer black guards on Tele's.

If the neck is all and out horrible I'll probably just pass.

Cheers guys.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:21 pm
by paul_
It's probably similar to a Saga-level kit. It will be a cheap Tele for sure when done, though I wouldn't worry about the pickguard thing as you can fill the holes before finishing and nobody will know. Thing to watch out for is the import control plate not matching up with a pickguard meant for an American/MIM guitar ('cause they don't).

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:28 pm
by Addam
I bought a telecaster kit a while back...
I didn't use the pickups (I upgraded before assembly)
I eventually gave the neck, bridge and body away, but the neck plate, switch plate and strap buttons are still going strong. :lol:

Think of a kit as a learning exercise, for if you ever want to build guitars in future.

*EDIT* They do a complete finished guitar for the SAME PRICE :shock: