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Pot shaft confusion: 7mm bushings?!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:01 pm
by Concretebadger
I ordered an Allparts 'stang control plate and figured that if the holes didn't fit the imperial CTS-style bushings, the metric size ought to. Except, the holes are too small for both as far as I can tell. I've already tried Googling for the official sizes so to double-check, in metric the measurements for the screw-threaded bits seem to be:

CTS (imperial, equivalent to 3/8"): 9.5mm
Alpha: 8mm.

Correct so far? If so, where does that leave holes that are 7mm in diameter? What pots are sold with 7mm bushings, if any? I guess I could drill the holes out larger but that isn't really an option without the necessary tools to hand, and it's pretty thick metal too. If possible I'd rather find parts that fit first. Any ideas?

I'm guessing I look like a complete n00b and moron at this point, but before going to Allparts, complaining and looking like a n00b and moron to them as well I thought I'd run the numbers past you guys in case someone knows more about this.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:49 pm
by paul_
First I've heard of this, am confuse. But I have found other mention of it on a Mustang build blog post:
I bought the wrong 3 way switch (too wide a shaft) and have now got a mini toggle switch, which is still quite cool.
Next mistake is that I bought Alpha pots (500K A and B for one volume and one tone), but the shafts are too wide for the Mustang control plate (which is only 7mm diam). I've emailed Axesrus for advice/exchange.
My only suggestion would be to try non-alpha minipots. Though really I'd just drill the plate out for the CTS pots and be done with it. Sounds like too much back-and-forth mailing/the guitar pushing you around on pot choice otherwise.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:09 pm
by rps-10
I had the same problem with the control plate for this thing

Just drilled out the plate holes to size required.