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Question about power amps

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:31 pm
by Billy3000
Ok, so my cover band has a PA system with a separate power amp and mixer. Instead of dragging my 200 pound bass amp rig around I've been just plugging my sansamp into the mixer and playing through our PA speakers. This setup sounds great, and it's awesome not having to pack my huge rig especially after we play a 4 hour show and finish at 2 in the morning. Since every place we play is different, we've had to set up differently each time so sometimes I'm not near the speaker which makes it a little bit more difficult to hear myself when I'm mixed in the PA. So I was thinking, since our Power amp has 2 channels, and we're using the channel 1 input for the mixer and the channel 1 output to drive both speakers, Would I be able to plug my sansamp directly into the power amp channel 2, and use the channel 2 output to drive a separate cab just for myself? If this is possible, I would get a smaller lighter weight 2x10, 2x12 or 1x15 cab that I could load in easily, but would I have to make sure that I'd get a cab that is the same ohms rating as the speakers for the PA system if they're plugged into different channels?

We have a QSC power amp sort of like this one, I don't remember which exact model it is but it looks exactly like this on the front and back. ... -power-amp

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:15 pm
by NickS
I can't see any problem with that.