Since seeing Mr Paul Maroon of the walkmen playing his black jaguar it's made me really want one. But I'm surprised to find there are no current models being offered in black (except the blacktop HH stuff and the weird hollow thing which is not what I'm after). I thought Fender were boring and every model came in black?
So, does anyone know the last time a standard jag came in black? I can't afford a vintage one... so I'm looking at more recent used models.
The pickguard colour doesn't matter, as long as its an SS setup.
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:38 pm
by Thomas
I think there were black Japanese ones in the early 90s but I don't think they were one of the colours they exported. The one I'm currently building is basically the same as the one you pictured, B+B neck too. I've always had black Jag Gas since seeing a vintage one in a guitar mag.
DanHeron wrote:Ah yeah the AVRI. They don't have them on the fender site for some reason.
It looks like they've been discontinued to make way for the new American Vintage '65 ones. Hopefully you'll be able to find a few second hand ones knocking about if that's what you wanted anyway.
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:07 pm
by robroe
the guys in carona were smoking good shit in 99. my 99 avri jag is the best feeling and playing thing I have ever owned. I will never sell or trade it for anything. I miss the 8 other guitars I sold to fund it though
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:52 pm
by Fran
Thomas wrote:I think there were black Japanese ones in the early 90s but I don't think they were one of the colours they exported. The one I'm currently building is basically the same as the one you pictured, B+B neck too. I've always had black Jag Gas since seeing a vintage one in a guitar mag.
The HH model is the only CIJ one i can remember.
Easily the cheapest option second hand and they are convertible if you are not fussed about the trem.